The language of this course is English.
Table of contents:
Place and time of lectures: Tuesday, 12:15-14:00, F3M01
Lecturer: Anna Krasznai
70% of the classes, that is 8 out of the 11 practices
The class and homework problem sets are available in English. Tests and homeworks can be written both in English and Hungarian.
"Large tests":
First large test: 10th week, 2024.04.24., Wednesday, 8:15-9:45
Second large test: 14th week, 2024.05.21., Tuesday, 12:15-14:00
Retake tests:
Both large tests and one small test can be retaken.
Time: first retake test: 2024.05.08., 8:15-9:45, second retake test: 2024.05.28.,12:15-14:00, small tests: after the second test
Small tests: Written on every second occasion, the exercise is chosen from the A exercises of the last 2 homework sheets uploaded to the homepage. Altogether there will be 5 small tests, with a maximum of 5 points each, one of them can be retaken in the extra week
Two large tests (2x50 points). At least 20 points on each test is necessary to pass.
10 points of the maximal 25 points are required in the small tests to pass
Final grade is calculated from (points obtained)/125:
Excellent (5): 85<, Good (4): 70-84, Satisfactory (3): 55-69, Pass (2) 40-54, Fail (1): 40>
1. Homework exercise sheet
1. Practical course, exercise sheet with solutions
2. Homework exercise sheet
2. Practical course, exercise sheet with solutions
3. Homework exercise sheet
3. Practical course, exercise sheet with solutions
3. Supplementary material to Problem 4
4. Homework exercise sheet
4. Practical course, exercise sheet with solutions
5. Homewotk exercise sheet
5. Practical course, exercise sheet with solutions
6. Homework exercise sheet
6. Practical course, exercise sheet with solutions
7. Homework exercise sheet
7. Practical course, exercise sheet with solutions
8. Homework exercise sheet
8. Practical course, exercise sheet with solutions
9. Homework exercise sheet
9. Practical course, exercise sheet with solutions
10. Homework exercise sheet
10. Practical course, exercise sheet with solutions
11. Homework exercise sheet
11. Practical course, exercise sheet with solutions
Short Solution of the 2022 Large test I.
1. Lecture, 11. 02. 2020
(solution of problem 4)
2. Lecture, 18.02.2020
3. Lecture, 25.02.2020
4. Lecture, 03.03.2020
5. Lecture, 03.10.2020
Solution of the problem in the quick examination
1. Homework exercise sheet
2. Homework exercise sheet
3. Homework exercise sheet
4. Homework exercise sheet
5. Homework exercise sheet
Old material (2019)
1. lecture, 12. February 2019
2. lecture, 19. February
3. Lecture, 26. February
4. Lecture, 5. March
Solution of the last problem (sketch)
5. Lecture, 12. March
6. Lecture, 26. March
7. Lecture, 2. April
8. Lecture, 9. April
9. Lecture, 16. April
10. Lecture, 23. April
11. Lecture, 30. April
12. Lecture, 7. May
Explanation of the statement about the periods of periodic motions
Old Homework exercises (2019)
1. Homework exercise sheet
2. Homework exercise sheet
3. Homework exercise sheet
4. Homework exercise sheet
5. Homework exercise sheet
6. Homework exercise sheet
7. Homework exercise sheet (if something is not clear, please ask during the Consultation)
8. Homework exercise sheet
9. Homework exercise sheet
10. Homework exercise sheet
11. Homework exercise sheet
12. Homework exercise sheet