Research Directions


In the laboratories of the Department of Physics, we develop and study novel such nanostructures, where understanding of nanoscale phenomena is not merely a challenge of fundamental research, but also carries the potential for later technological applications. In a range from atomic sizes to a few hundred nanometers, we not only apply the standard processes of modern nanotechnology (nanolithography, atomic layer deposition, chemical preparation) but also search for custom preparation techniques for contacting single molecules, creating self-organized structures or building atomic-scale switches. Another important direction of our research is the development of reliable contacting techniques for single molecules applying self-designed break junction setups.  

Applied optics

The main research areas of the Physical Optics Laboratory of Department of Atomic Physics are applied optical and laser physics applications, optical technology research and the development of optical diagnostic equipments. Our applied optics research covers optical data storage, acousto-optic modulators, deflectors, Q switches, mode-lockers, filters, fsec pulse shapers, integrated optics, guided wave devices, fiber optic systems, optical signal processing, new optical technologies, modelling and design of optical systems, nonlinear optical devices, photo-acoustic and time-resolved fluorescence spectroscopy of biological materials, light sources, optical measurement techniques, optics for medical diagnosztics, laser material processing, coherent infrared differential absorption lidar, holography, spectroscopic measurement techniques (NIR, VIS, fluorescence, LIBS, color), displays, photovoltaics.

Quantum field theory and quantum theory

To describe nanoscale devices at very small temperatures or to understand the low temperature behavior of solids, gases and liquids, one necessarily has to employ quantum field theoretical methods. The Theoretical Physics Department hosts currently two independent "Momentum" research groups, focusing on quantum statistical physics, integrable systems, and interacting cold atoms, and transport in nanostructures. In addition, we also carry out intense research in the field of quantum information theory and its application in ab initio calculations, and our theoretical studies cover various fields of 'classical 'condensed matter theory, including the theory of disordered and amorphous systems, biological systems, or the study of dissipation and stopping in solids.

Surface Physics

The subject of research of Surface Physics Laboratory of Department of Atomic Physics are applied materials science research/investigations, examination of functional materials, developing advanced measurement technologies, measurement methods and equipments. Main research areas are: Quantum mechanical calculation of the properties and behavior of defects and surfaces in solids, investigation of surface compositions by secondary ion mass spectroscopy (SIMS), Auger electron spectroscopy (AES, SAM ), and X-ray photoemission spectroscopy (XPS), in situ plasma diagnostics and gas analysis by QMS (IBMS), application oriented experimental and theoretical study of wide band gap materials (CVD-diamond, SiC), study of gas sensing behavior of semiconducting oxides, oxidation behaviour of new anode materials for solid electrolyte capacitors, corrosion and contamination studies in discharge lamps.

Computational magnetism

The main research objective of the Computational Magnetism research group is a theoretical and computational investigation of magnetic phenomena in bulk alloys, heterostructures and nanoparticles. One important tool of our studies is based on spin-models: first we determine suitable parameters from relativistic first principles calculations, then we study the magnetization processes of the system via Monte-Carlo and Langevin dynamics simulations. We also employ the relativistic disordered local moment scheme that takes into account the interplay between the thermal spin-fluctuations and the electronic structure. Our studies involve the exchange bias phenomenon in layered heterostructures, magnetic pattern formations in ultrathin films and the superparamagnetism of magnetic nanoparticles. We carry out our project within a broad international cooperation, including experimental and industrial partners.