Besides teaching basic physics to thousands of students in Engineering, the Institute of Physics and the Institute of Nuclear Technology of the Faculty of Natural Sciences of the Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BME) hosts the Physics Program, a formation launched in 1991. Our students can get BSc and MSc degrees as a 'researcher physicist', or as an applied physicist with a specialization in nuclear technology, applied physics, or medical physics. The best students can continue their studies in our Physics Doctoral School (PhD program), one of the most successful and prestigious doctoral schools of BME by now. Our BSc, MSc, and PhD programs together with those of the Eötvös University (ELTE) constitute the two leading physicist programs in Hungary.
In spite of its relatively recent foundation and small size, by now, the Institute of Physics of the Technical University has become a research institute of international reputation and a leading national research center in condensed matter physics. It is wired to many leading research institutes and universities worldwide through countless European and overseas research projects, cooperations, grants and networks. Its research activity mainly concentrates on applied physics (materials science, applied optics) and application-oriented theoretical and experimental physics (nanophysics, solid-state physics, optics, statistical physics, quantum theory). Our BSc and MSc students get involved in this research activity in course of their studies. The most motivated students can also join the Scientific Students' Associations to carry out research at various fields in experimental and theoretical physics.