Popular article on the 2024 physics Nobel prize
Popular article from BME researchers on the 2024 physics Nobel prize and related memristor applications published in the January issue of Fizikai Szemle.
Popular article from BME researchers on the 2024 physics Nobel prize and related memristor applications published in the January issue of Fizikai Szemle.
Interview with Anna Takács, BME's first-year physicist master student, on her work and research experience in the Bosch Engineering Scholarship Team (BEST) programme.
Nándor Bokor, associate professor at the BME Institute of Physics, discusses foundations and applications of general relativity in an interview published at index.hu.
Thanks to a major HUN-REN research grant awarded yesterday, a new Quantum Technology Research Group will be launched on January 1st, 2025, at the BME Institute of Physics.
Tibor Rakovszky, theoretical physicist and associate professor of the BME Institute of Physics, is awarded the Junior Príma Prize for young scientists. Congratulations!
Quantum bits, spintronics, two-dimensional crystals: interview with Péter Makk at bme.hu, on the low-temperature research lab of the BME Institute of Physics.
Experiments of the Nanoelectronics Group at the BME Institute of Physics reveal the switching mechanism of superconducting transistors. Published in Nature Communications.
In 2024, the Nobel Prize in Physics was awarded to John J. Hopfield and Geoffrey E. Hinton, for their discoveries that enable machine learning with artificial neural networks.