Requirements, Information Informations Lecturer Udvardi László (practice), web page1, web page2 András Grabarits (practice) Timetable Practice: Friday 8:30-10:00 KF87 Friday 8:30-10:00 F3M01 (for the next 3 occasions K375) Requirements on attendents In-person: Attendence on 70% of the practice courses Online: No requirements on attendences Midterm tests 1st Test: 15. October, 2nd Test: 03. December, 12:15-13:45 Both midterm test can be retaken Term requirements Number of points for the midterm tests >= 40% Fulfilment of the requirements on attendence Office hours E-mail for arrangements Results of midterm tests Expected subjects of the practice courses (translation is going on) Clebsch-Gordan coefficients. He atom excited states Variational merhods, Harmonic oscillator, Hydrogen atom and Helium atom variációs módszerek Variational methods Scattering amplitudes and cross-section in Born's approximaion (Yukawa-potential, Rutherford scattering) Born approximation in one dimension Computation of phase shifts for potentials with finite support (soft and hard spheres) Time-dependent perturbation theory in Dirac picture, expectation value of position operator in Heisenberg picture in homogenous electric field and Heisenberg uncertainty relation in coherent states Harmonic oscillator in time dependent uniform electric field 6. Practice 1. midterm Line solenoid, Landau levels: solution in asymmetric gauge and with the presence of electric field Klein Gordon equation, continuity equation, Klein paradox, Landau levels 1. Supplementary test Dirac equation, Dirac Hamiltonian, Derivative of angular momentum Relativistic Landau levels, Klein paradox, Spatial rotations Klein paradoxon. A szabad Dirac-egyenlet megoldása. Nyílt nap Extra exercises for the 2. midterm 1/c²-es energiakorrekciók H-atomra a perturbáció számítás első rendjében, spin-pálya kölcsönhatás. A teljes impulzusmomentum operátor időfüggése. 2nd Test Zitterbewegung