Program: 2024/25 Fall
Sept. 24. |
András Pályi (BME): Quantum computing with single-electron quantum bits |
Oct. 8. |
Gergely T. Zimányi (UC Davis): Adapting academic physics methods to improve solar cell performance from femtoseconds to gigaseconds |
Oct. 22. |
Martino Poggio (Uni. Basel): Magnetic microscopy of 2D and chiral magnetism |
Nov. 12. |
Alioscia Hamma (Uni. Naples): Quantum Complexity and scrambling entropy |
Nov. 26. |
Ferenc Kun (Uni. Debrecen): The role of anisotropy and disorder in shrinkage induced cracking |
Program: 2023/24 Spring
Marc. 19. |
Péter Nemes-Incze (Centre for Energy Research): Flat bands in graphene based electron systems, topology and correlations |
Marc. 26. |
Gábor Veres (BME NTI): Fusion energetics - new horizons, new challenges |
Apr. 9. |
Ulrich Nowak (Uni. Konstanz): The role of angular momentum in ultrafast spintronics |
Apr. 16. |
Jens Bardarson (KTH): Quantum thermalisation on the information lattice |
Apr. 30. |
Ferenc Simon (BME IP): The first 70 years of spintronics |
May. 7. |
Patrick Maletinsky (Uni. Basel): Quantum sensing and imaging of magnetism on the nanoscale |
Program: 2023/24 Fall
Oct. 3. |
Oct. 17. |
Luis Hueso (nanoGUNE): Spintronics: its evolution and the case for low symmetry materials |
Oct. 31. |
Zoltán Nusser (KOKI): Diversity of chemical synapses of the central nervous system |
Nov. 7. |
Stefan Blügel (F. Jülich): Nanoscale skyrmions in magnets |
Nov. 21. |
Johannes Fink (ISTA): Entanglement and readout of superconducting circuits with light |
Nov. 28. |
Gabriella Pásztor (ELTE): Exploring new physics in the electroweak sector at the LHC |
Program: 2022/23 Spring
May 2. |
Adrian Bachtold (ICFO Barcelona): The sound of tiny guitars approaching the quantum regime |
May 16. |
Roderich Moessner (MPIPKS Dresden): Thermodynamics and order beyond equilibrium -- from eigenstate thermalisation to time crystals |
May 23. |
Hanns-Christoph Nägerl (U. Innsbruck): Many-body quantum physics with cold atoms and molecules |
May 30. |
Mihály Kállay (BME): Cost-effective explicitly correlated coupled-cluster approaches |
Program: 2022/23 Fall
Sept. 13. |
Péter Domokos (Wigner RC): Phase transitions with cold atoms in zero-dimensional systems of cavity quantum electrodynamics |
Sept. 27. |
Charles M. Marcus (Univ. Copenhagen): The matter of quantum information |
Oct. 11. |
Klaus Ensslin (ETH Zurich): Tunable electron correlations in twisted and untwisted graphene layers |
Nov. 8. |
Géza Tóth (Rényi, BME): Some solved and unsolved problems in combinatorial geometry |
Nov. 29. |
David DiVincenzo (RWTH Aachen Univ.): Transmon platform for quantum computing challenged by chaotic fluctuations |
Program: 2021/22 Spring
Mar. 29. |
Maxim Mostovoy (Univ. Groningen): Novel topological defects in frustrated and chiral magnets |
Apr. 12. |
Gergely J. Szöllősi (ELTE): Trade-off between reducing mutational accumulation and increasing commitment to differentiation determines tissue organization |
Apr. 26. |
Tamás Bárány (BME): Lightweight and recyclable polymer composites for the sustainability |
May 3.
Katalin Varjú (ELI-ALPS): ELI ALPS – The next generation of attosecond sources |
May 17. |
Alberto Morpurgo (Univ. Geneve): 2D magnetic materials |
Program: 2021/22 Fall
Oct. 12. |
Péter Makk (BME): Electronic transport in designer van der Waals materials |
Nov. 2. |
Géza Tóth (Wigner RC): Quantum entanglement and its use in metrology |
Nov. 23. |
Gergely Röst (University of Szeged): COVID-19: a multiscale problem |
Nov. 30. |
Gergely J. Szöllősi (ELTE): cancelled, MOVED TO SPRING |
Program: 2020/21 Fall
Oct. 13. |
Attila Krasznahorkay (Atomki): New results supporting the existence of the X17 particle |
Oct. 27. |
Péter Raffai (ELTE): A New Window to the Universe: Gravitational Waves |
Nov. 24. |
Ádám Gali (BME+Wigner RC): Solid state defect qubits – the dawn of revolutionary quantum-enhanced technologies |
Program: 2019/20 Spring
Feb. 18. |
Igor Jex (TU in Prague): Photons walking the line |
Mar. 3. |
Sándor Zoletnik (Wigner RC): Fusion energy: from plasma physics to engineering |
Mar. 10. |
Gábor Bayer (77 Elektronika): Success, physics and question at 77 Elektronika |
Mar. 31. |
Klaus Ensslin (ETH): CANCELED |
Apr. 21. |
Ádám Gali (Wigner+BME): CANCELED |
Apr. 28. |
Adrian Bachtold (ICFO Barcelona): CANCELED |
May 12. |
Alain Aspect (Université Paris Saclay): CANCELED |
Program: 2019/20 Fall
Sept. 17. |
Péter Major (Mediso Kft): PET berendezések modellezése |
Oct. 1. |
András Halbritter (BME): Atomic-scale Building Blocks for Artificial Intelligence |
Oct. 15. |
Andrei Pimenov (TU-Wien): Topological insulators: Quantized Faraday rotation |
Nov. 5. |
Ferenc Siklér (Wigner Research Center): Experimental particle physics with Pomerons |
Nov. 19. |
Adrian Bachtold (ICFO Barcelona): CANCELED |
Nov. 26. |
Pasquale Calabrese (SISSA Trieste): Entanglement and thermodynamics in non-equilibrium quantum systems |
Dec. 10. |
Francesco Giazotto (SNS Pisa): Advanced Josephson junction circuits: phase coherence in heat transport |
Program: 2018/19 Spring
February 19. |
Jaroslav Fabian (Regensburg University): The spin charm of 2D materials |
March 12. |
Imre Derényi (ELTE): Somatic Evolution - How Multicellular Organisms Can Live Long |
March 26. |
András Kis (EPFL): Exciton Manipulation for Valley/Spin Devices with 2D TMDCs |
April 9. |
Róbert Gyurcsányi (BME): Chemical sensing with synthetic receptors and nanostructures |
April 23. |
István Kézsmárki (Augsburg University): Switching between Bloch- and Néel-type magnetic skyrmions |
April 30. |
Ágnes Kóspál (Konkoly Observatory): The invisible light of young stars |
Program: 2018/19 Fall
September 11. |
Imre Pázsit (Chalmers University): How to use randomness and chance processes to increase reactor safety? |
September 25. |
Roland Wiesendanger (University of Hamburg): Emerging Exotic States in Atomic-Scale Magnet-Superconductor Hybrid Systems |
October 16. |
István Csabai (ELTE): Galaxies, Graphs, Genes: Data-intensive Approach in Sciences |
October 30. |
Ferenc Simon (BME): Spintronics: a step closer to the "The Emperor's New Mind" |
November 6. |
Dominik Zumbühl (University of Basel): Spins and their Orbits in Semiconductor Quantum Dots |
November 27. |
Ferenc Krausz and Mihaela Zigman (MPI of Quantum Optics, München): Attosecond Science: from basic research to cancer detection |
December 4. Canceled |
Roberta Sinatra (CEU): Towards a science of success |
Program: 2017/18 Spring
February 13. |
Imre Kondor (London Mathematical Laboratory): Optimalizáció és regularizáció |
February 27. |
László Erdős (Institute of Science and Technology, Austria): Spectral universality of random matrices |
March 13. |
Levente Tapasztó (Centre for Energy Research): Two-dimensional materials |
March 27. |
Alex Szameit (Rostock University): Topological photonics |
April 10. |
Shahal Ilani (Weizmann Institute): Quantum design in carbon nanotubes |
April 24. |
Péter Dombi (Wigner Research Center): Ultrafast Nanooptics |
May 8. |
Gábor Takács (BME): Non-equilibrium dynamics of strongly correlated quantum systems |
Program: 2017/18 Fall
September 19. |
Yuval Oreg (Weizmann Institute of Science): Superconducting topological phases, theory and application |
September 26. |
László Péter Biró (Centre for Energy Research): Repülő ékszerek: fizika a lepkeszárnyon |
October 10. |
György Gyürki (ATOMKI): Experimental nuclear astrophysics: studying the stars in the laboratory |
October 24. |
Frank Pollmann (TU Münich): Many-body localization: Breakdown of thermalization in closed quantum systems |
November 7. |
Sándor Imre (BME, Faculty of Informatics): Kvantummechanikával tunningolt klasszikus kommunikáció |
November 21. |
Jörg Schmiedmayer (TU Wien): Does an isolated quantum system relax? |
December 5. |
Sándor Katz (Eötvös University): Axions as dark matter |
Program: 2016/17 Spring
February 14. |
Gábor Fáth (Morgan Stanley): What is financial modelling? |
February 21. |
Attila Aszódi (Institute of Nuclear Techniques, BME): A Paks II. projekt |
March 14. |
László Kiss (Konkoly Observatory, HAS): Bolygók más csillagok körül: karnyújtásnyira az idegenek? |
March 28. |
Katalin Kamarás (Wigner Research Center): Komplex szénszerkezetek spektroszkópiai jellemzése |
April 11. |
Gábor Stépán (BME, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering): Környezetszimulációs kísérletek dinamikája |
April 25. |
Roderich Moessner (MPI Dresden): Quantum dynamics with periodic driving: from heating to time crystals |
May 9. |
Tamás Vicsek (Eötvös University): Collective motion |
Program: 2016/17 Fall
September 21. |
Domokos Gábor (BME ÉMK): Marsi kavicsok geometriája |
September 28. |
Fortágh József (Universität Tübingen): Quantum engineering with atoms, photons and solids |
October 5. |
Kertész János (CEU & BME): Szociális terjedési jelenségek kinetikája |
October 12. |
Károlyi György (BME NTI): Káosz, fraktálok és kémia folyadékáramlásokban |
October 19. |
Maák Pál (BME FI): Agykutatás kétfoton-mikroszkópiával |
October 26. |
Christian Schönenberger (University of Basel): Shot noise in nanodevices |
November 2. |
Maximilian Fleischer (Siemens Laboratories, Munich): Transformation of Carbon Dioxide into valuable products using renewable energies |
November 9. |
Frei Zsolt (ELTE): Az asztrofizikai kutatás új eszközei: a gravitációs hullámok |
November 16. |
Lagzi István László (BME FI): Nanorészecskék önszerveződése kémiai rendszerekben |
November 23. |
Forró László (EPFL, Lausanne): (CH3NH3)PbI3 perovszkit: túl a napelem alkalmazásokon |