Information, semester requierements
Code: BMETE12MX00;
Contact hours: 3/1/0/e/4 (compulsory);
Language: English;
Richter Péter (Department of Atomic Physics, Institute of Physics)
Maák Pál (Department of Atomic Physics, Institute of Physics)
Major topics of the course: Electromagnetic fields, Maxwell equations, wave equation. Interfer-ence, diffraction. Electromagnetic waves in materials. Interaction of light and matter, quantum phe-nomena. Quantum theory of atoms and molecules. Statistical physics, Maxwell-Bolzmann, Fermi-Dirac statistics, electrons in solids. Bose-Einstein statistics, photons in thermal equilibrium, photons and material interaction in thermal equilibrium. Introduction to lasers. Interaction of light and matter (phenomenological description), line broadening mechanisms. Optical coherent amplifier, gain, bandwidth, phase, power source, nonlinearity (saturation) and noise. Passive optical resonators, properties of the Gaussian beam, transmission through optical components. Laser operation: cw, transient. Semiconductor lasers. Laser systems and applications. Laboratory visits.
Attendance requirement: 70% of lectures, 100% of seminar attendances and laboratory visits are compulsory.
Conditions for the signature: Successful test (above 40% of the achievable maximum) on week 12 on seminar. Non-successful test can be repeated once in the retake-week. Rating of the test result:
40 - 54% pass (2)
55 - 69% satisfactory (3)
70 - 84% good (4)
85 -100% excellent (5)
Exam: oral, student will draw two questions from the oral test lists. The midterm test result will take into account with 30%, and the oral exam with 70%.
Consultation: Consultation is possible in agreed time and place.
Laser Physics question list (oral exam)
A - Physical foundations:
Laser physics 1-10
B - Laser analysis
Laser physics 11
Laser physics 12
Laser physics 13
Laser physics 14
Laser physics 15
Laser physics 16
Laser physics 17
Laser physics 18
Laser physics 19
Laser physics 20
Additional material
D_chapter 06.pdf
statistical coherence.pdf
Previous exams
Budapest, 2022. szeptember 1.
tárgyfelelős (Maák Pál)