A tárgy címe: 
Industrial control
Elsődleges képzés: 
Fizikus mérnök BSc
A tárgy besorolása: 
Óraszám - előadás: 
Óraszám - gyakorlat: 
Óraszám - labor: 
Egyéb oktatás: 
Számonkérés módja: 
Egyéb számonkérés: 
Előtanulmányi feltételek: 
Control engineering, Programming 2, Measurement Techniques
Tantárgy felelőse: 
Dr. Bálint Kiss, associate professor, PhD
További oktatók: 
The course aims to present the technologies used to realize industrial control solutions. Special attention is paid to the family of Programmable Logic Controllers. Sensing principles for the measurement of temperature, pressure, force, torque, displacement, and flow of fluids are explained and students will also understand the interfacing techniques between the sensors and controller devices. Students completing the subject will be able to contribute to the installation, maintenance, and conception of industrial control system. Lectures: Hardware and software elements of modern distributed control systems. Architecture and operational principles of Programmable Logic Controllers (PLCs). The tasks of a PLC CPU, its architecture, the classification of I/O modules. Memory modules of PLCs, cyclic operations, and the underlying programming model. The PLC software model according to the IEC-61131-3 standard. Services of recent PLC operating systems, scheduling, program organization, data types, standard functions, and function blocks. Sensors, their general features, static characteristics, errors, linear approximation of nonlinearities, general consideration of sensor selection. Physical operation, interfacing and application of temperature sensors: thermistors, thermocouples, platinum sensors and temperature sensor ICs. Displacement and proximity sensors. Level sensors: differential pressure, capacitive, ultrasonic and radar-based solutions. Force and pressure sensors. Flow measurement methods: differential pressure meters, displacement meters, vertex meters, turbine meters and Coriolis mass-flow meters. Signal transmission in control systems, digital and analog I/O-s of control systems. Typical architecture of I/O modules, transducers. Practice sessions: Programming of PLCs using the languages specified by the IEC-61131-3 standard: ladder diagram, sequential function charts, function block diagram, structured text instruction list. HMI és SCADA systems. Distributed control systems and their programming principles.
Ajánlott irodalom: 
Frank D. Petruzella: Programmable Logic Controllers. McGraw-Hill, 2005, ISBN 0-07-829852 W. Bolton: Programmable Logic Controllers, Elsevier, 2009, ISBN 978-1-85617-751-1 Liptak, B.G. (Ed.). (2003). Instrument Engineers' Handbook, Volume One: Process Measurement and Analysis (4th ed.). CRC Press Dunn, William C. 2018. Fundamentals of Industrial Instrumentation and Process Control. 2nd ed. New York: McGraw-Hill Education
Please find the detailed list, as quoted from the Hungarian training and outcome requirements of the Physicist Engineer program, in the Hungarian version of the course description.