2022. október 03.
BME teachers played an essential role in the success of the Hungarian and the Saudi Arabian teams competing at the International Physics Olympiad this summer. The BME coaching team of Tamás Sarkadi (Department of Atomic Physics), Krisztián Szász, Gréta Mezei, and Máté Kedves (Department of Physics), was further supported by Máté Vigh, and, from the Saudi side, Talal Al-Rashidi.
News item (in Hungarian) at bme.hu: https://www.bme.hu/hirek/20220815/Ismet_ermeket_ert_a_muegyetemi_felkesz...
Website of the International Physics Olympiad: https://ipho2022.com/
Results of the Hungarian team:
Kovács Balázs Csaba - gold medal
Gurzó József - silver medal
Toronyi András - bronze medal
Kertész Balázs - bronze medal
Bencz Benedek - bronze medal
Results of the Saudi Arabian team: 1 silver medal, 2 bronze medals, 2 honourable mentions.