Requirements, Information

Many Body Physics 1 (2023/24 Spring)

Lecturers:  Balázs Dóra and Gergely Zaránd
Teams: "Many-Body 2024" group
Time and location:  Tuesdays: 8:30-11:00, seminar room of Theoretical Physics Department (F3M01)
Office hours: once in every two weeks, location and time will be specified later 
Language of course: English, discussions can be in Hungarian, exams can be taken in Hungarian, too. 
Subjects to be covered: 
This is a basic course on quantum field theoretical methods, used to describe interacting condensed matter systems, such as superconductors, disordered systems, interacting quantum liquids, etc.
  • Basic structures of field theory: quantizes fields, propagators and their reation to experiments,  response functions. 
  • Diagrammatic perturbation theory and Feynman diagrams. 
  • Fermi liquid theory, vertex functions and effective interactions. 
  • Interacting one-dimensional electrons and basics of the renormalization group. 
  • Electron-phonon interaction and polarons.
  • Magnetic and superconducting instabilities. 
  • Disordered conductors. 
Grading:    There are two ways to pass. 
Oral exam:      Everyone receives two subjects, from a list of subjects.
List of subjects (will be given later)
Problem solving: You can also obtain a grade through problem solving. 
  • You shall receive 3 problem sets in course of the semester. 
  • From each set you must collect at least 10 points to pass, but you cannot collect more than 30 points from a set.
  • Grading is then as follows: 2 (>=40 points); 3 (>=50 points); 3 (>=60 points); 4 (>=70 points); 5 (>=80 points).
  • You are allowed to discuss with others and ask for help with the lecturers in case you are stuck, but we request independent work. In other words, you can help others and exchange sometimes ideas, but you are NOT allowed to copy. 
  • Deadlines shall be specified within each set. Delay implies a loss of 2 points/day.

Handouts: on Teams


  • R.P Feynman: Statistical Mechanics: A Set Of Lectures (Advanced Book Classics, Perseus Books) [second quantized formalism]
  • A. Abrikosov, L.P. Gorkov, and I.E. Dzyaloshinski: Methods of Quantum Field Theory in Statistical Physics (Dover Editions) [For T=0 temperature diagrammatics, see Chapter 2. Concise but elegant ]
  • G.D. Mahan: Many-Particle Physics (Plenum Press) [very detailed, thorough, sometimes old-fashioned]