The course will be held in person. The first course on 8th of September will also be given. Since this is only an introductory course and last year I recorded all lectures those who cannot attend this lecture in person can watch the corresponding video.
Please note that the course relies on the fact that everybody has good knowledge of python especially numpy.
I will use four different systems to communicate with you (sorry):
neptun: most official, final notes, important and prompt messages
moodle: submit everything here, evaluation will also take place here. For final grade use the formula below and not the one moodle supplies.
- the official institute webpage, requirements are posted here. Lectures and homeworks are posted here.
Please note, that I do not use microsoft teams on a daily basis, so please, do not use the chat system of the teams to communicate with me. If you have any question write an email to me torok.janos (at)
The faculty moodle system is located at You can log in using your university id. Courses should appear soon. All works must be submitted using the moodle system.
You are supposed to make pairs, homeworks are individual, but the practice work, data challenge and the final projects are supposed to be group works.
Introduction to machine learning from a physicist's perspective, with the aim to understand how it works and less emphasis on tricks or parameter oprimization
(order may change)
Image segmentation
Decision tree
Deep learning (from scratch in numpy)
Higher level implementations (tensorflow, sklearn, keras)
Convolutional neural networks
Pre-trained models
Data augmentation
Textual data
LSTM networks
Reinforcement learning
50% homework
- One class solution from each quarter of the semester
Project presented and accepted
Homeworks (individual): 100 points/HW
Practice solutions (pair): occasional varying number of points (extra points!)
Data challenge (pair): 500 points
Project and its presentation (pair): 1000 points
In the moodle
Last modified: 25.08.2024