Diversity of chemical synapses of the central nervous system

2023. 10. 31. 14:30
BME building F, lecture hall 13, second floor
Zoltán Nusser (KOKI)
Upcoming lecture of the Szilárd Leó Colloquium of the BME Institute of Physics:
Understanding the mechanisms of chemical synaptic neurotransmission in the CNS has been in the focus on intense research for decades. It is now widely recognized that synapses between nerve cells are not uniform but show tremendous structural and functional heterogeneity. Revealing the molecular mechanisms underlying functional diversity of excitatory synapses of the rodent hippocampus, a brain area that is involved in learning, memory and spatial navigation, is the main interest of my laboratory. In my presentation, I will summarize our research efforts of the last decade demonstrating our progress in revealing the molecular mechanisms underlying functional diversity.