Outdated - see English page for up-do-date information
The purpose of this course is to give students insight into particular fields of modern theoretical physics. They attend seminars of the Department of Theoretical Physics or those of individual research groups. We recommend it primarily to students involved in research at the Department of Theoretical Physics.
This semester students can choose from two seminar series:
1. Seminar series of the Department of Theoretical Physics
Time: Fridays, 10:15 am
Location: Seminar room of the department, first floor, buiding F/III.
Topics: A wide range of topics from modern theoretical and experimental physics
First seminar: February 16, 2018
Contact: Csaba Tőke
2. Seminar series of Exotic Quantum Phases research group
Time: Mondays 14:15 pm
Location: Library of the Institute of Physics, first floor, F.III.
Topics: Modern solid state physics, quantum informatics, quantum statistical physics, nanophysics.
First seminar: February 12, 2018
Contact: Pályi András / Zaránd Gergely
Language: English
Attendance: Students have to attend at least 10 occasions per semester. Verified by the instructor. For this, please, use the following sheet:
attandence sheet, attandence sheet (small version)
Grading: With a subject related to one of the talks, the students have to either give a journal club talk (25 minutes) or write a short essay (6 to 10 pages) in course of the semester.
Past and planned talks are available on http://physics.bme.hu/seminar_eqp or http://dtp.physics.bme.hu/.