
Superdiffusive quantum work and adiabatic quantum evolution in finite temperature chaotic Fermi systems

2022. 09. 30. 10:15
BME building F, seminar room of the Dept. of Theoretical Physics
András Grabarits (BME)
Even though the change of energy and the related concepts of heat and work are fundamental quantities in thermodynamics, their understanding in the context of quantum systems is still incomplete. Here, 'work' W is commonly defined as energy transfer during some deformation of the system. It requires a two-time measurement scheme, in which the energy E of the time evolved system is measured at time t=0, and at a later time t. Work is thus a statistical quantity due to thermal and quantum fluctuations. 
We study[1] the full distribution of quantum work in generic, noninteracting, disordered fermionic nanosystems at finite temperature. In particular, we consider disordered zero-dimensional quantum dots described by Random Matrix Theory in which we derive an analytical determinant formula for the characteristic function of work statistics for quantum quenches starting from a thermal initial state. For work small compared to the thermal energy of the Fermi gas, work distribution is Gaussian, and the variance of work is proportional to the average work, while in the low-temperature or large-work limit, a non-Gaussian distribution with superdiffusive work fluctuations is observed. Similarly, the time dependence of the probability of adiabaticity crosses over from an exponential to a stretched exponential behavior. For large enough average work, the work distribution becomes universal, and depends only on the temperature and the mean work. Apart from initial low-temperature transients, work statistics are well captured by a Markovian energy-space diffusion process of hardcore particles, starting from a thermal initial state. Our findings can be verified by measurements on nanoscale circuits or via single qubit interferometry
[1]: A Grabarits, M Kormos, I Lovas, and G Zaránd, Phys. Rev. B 106, 064201 (2022)

Electrically driven spin resonance with bichromatic driving

2022. 10. 07. 10:15
BME building F, seminar room of the Dept. of Theoretical Physics
Zoltán György (ELTE)
The spin degree of freedom of an electron confined in a quantum dot naturally defines a qubit. Spin qubits in semiconductors, such as silicon or germanium, are promising candidates for the building block of a future scalable fault-tolerant quantum computer. Electrically driven spin resonance (EDSR) is an established tool for controlling semiconductor spin qubits. In our work [1] we theoretically study a frequency-mixing variant of EDSR, where two driving tones with different drive frequencies are applied, and the resonance condition connects the spin Larmor frequency with the sum of the two drive frequencies. Focusing on flopping-mode operation of a single electron in a double quantum dot with spin-orbit interaction, we calculate the parameter dependence of the Rabi frequency and the Bloch-Siegert shift. A shared-control spin qubit architecture could benefit from this bichromatic EDSR scheme, as it enables simultaneous single-qubit gates.
[1] György, Z., Pályi, A., & Széchenyi, G. (2022). Electrically driven spin resonance with bichromatic driving. arXiv preprint arXiv:2206.00399.

Tunable electron correlations in twisted and untwisted graphene layers

2022. 10. 11. 14:30
BME building F, seminar room of the Dept. of Theoretical Physics
Klaus Ensslin (ETH Zürich)

Single and bilayer graphene as well as graphene layers with a variety of twist angles can be prepared with high quality in many labs around the world. In this talk I will discuss the transport physics of extended bilayer graphene sheets, quantum devices including point contacts and dots, correlated many particle states in layers with large twisted angles and superconducting quantum devices for magic twist angles. The large variety of physical phenomena and electronic phases in these materials offers numerous opportunities for novel device architectures, all in an environment consisting entirely of carbon atoms.

Science Campus - Arcfelismerés és zavarai

2022. 10. 14. 16:00
BME TTK F épület, III. lépcsőház, F3213-as terem
Németh Kornél (BME)
Szeretettel hívunk meg minden érdeklődőt a BME TTK ScienceCampus
tudománynépszerűsítő előadássorozat következő előadására:
Németh Kornél (BME TTK Kognitív Tudományi Tanszék)
Arcfelismerés és zavarai – „én nem tudom, úgyhogy a barátnőmnek kell eldönteni, helyes-e a fiú, akivel találkoznék!”
okt. 14. péntek 16.00-17.00
helyszín: BME TTK F épület, III. lépcsőház, F3213-as terem
Oliver Sacks, Jane Goodall, Brad Pitt… világraszóló hírességek, más-más területeken alkottak jelentőset. Mi a közös bennük? Nem ismerik fel az ismerőseiket az arcuk alapján. A zavar szerzett változata mellett egy ún. veleszületett változatot is ismerünk, mely bizonyos esetekben örökletesnek tűnik. Hogy élnek az arcvakok, milyen lehetőségeik vannak a boldogulásra egy olyan világban, ahol a felismerés olyan információk alapján zajlik, ami nekik jelentésnélküli, sokszor egyenesen kaotikus. Hol tart a jelenség kutatásában a tudomány és milyen válaszokat ad rá, amivel segítheti az arcvakok életét? Az előadásban ezekre a kérdésekre keressük a válaszokat a legújabb pszichológiai vizsgálatok áttekintésével.
Az előadásokkal elsősorban a természettudományok iránt érdeklődő középiskolás korosztályt célozzuk meg, de természetesen minden érdeklődőt szeretettel
Asbóth János
BME TTK Fizikai Intézet, Science Campus koordinátor

Experimental and numerical investigation of dislocation avalanches

2022. 10. 21. 10:15
BME building F, seminar room of the Dept. of Theoretical Physics
Péter Ispánovity (ELTE)
Plastic deformation of metals usually occurs as a series of rapid and localized deformation events of various sizes. During these events, the line-like defects of the crystal lattice, called dislocations, move collectively in a local part of the crystal. The experimental investigation of this avalanche-like phenomenon was initially carried out on bulk samples using acoustic emission (AE) measurements. It was found that the distribution of both the energy and amplitude of individual events are scale-free, which indicates the critical nature of plastic deformation. This phenomenon was later also observed during the compression of micropillars, typically a few um in size, where it manifests in random jumps in the stress-strain curve.
In the first half of the lecture, the outcome of the combination of these two experimental techniques will be presented, the aim of which was to obtain a more detailed picture of the dynamics of dislocation avalanches. To this end, micropillars were milled from Zn single crystals using the focused ion beam technique. The samples were attached to an AE sensor and compressed in situ in a scanning electron microscope using a special device designed for this purpose. We found that the acoustic events measured during compression are perfectly correlated with the stress drops experienced during compression. The statistical analysis of the data obtained by the two methods revealed the complex spatio-temporal dynamics of a single stress drop: a dislocation avalanche consists of many smaller events that show similarities to earthquakes through different phenomenological laws. These results, which are also confirmed by discrete dislocation dynamics simulations, provide the missing link between the quantities measured by AE and the mechanical characteristics of individual events [1]. As a continuation of the research, we present the stability analysis of the discrete dislocation systems, which reveals the development of dynamic modes that can span the entire volume. The emergence of these modes provides an explanation for the previously experienced anomalous system size dependence of avalanche sizes and the unusual behavior of local flow stresses [2].
[1] PD Ispánovity, D Ugi, G Péterffy, M Knapek, Sz Kalácska, D Tüzes, Z Dankházi, K Máthis, F Chmelík, I Groma, Nature Communications 13, 10 (2022).
[2] D Berta, G Péterffy, PD Ispánovity, arXiv:2202.08224 (2022).

Maximal entanglement and multi-directional unitarity

2022. 10. 28. 10:15
BME building F, seminar room of the Dept. of Theoretical Physics
Balázs Pozsgay (ELTE)
We consider [1] dual unitary operators and their multi-leg generalizations that appeared at various places in the literature. These objects can be related to multi-party quantum states with special entanglement patterns: the sites are arranged in a spatially symmetric pattern and the states have maximal entanglement for all bi-partitions that follow from the reflection symmetries of the given geometry. We consider those cases where the state itself is invariant with respect to the geometrical symmetry group. The simplest examples are those dual unitary operators which are also self dual and reflection invariant, but we also consider the generalizations in the hexagonal, cubic, and octahedral geometries. We provide a number of constructions and concrete examples for these objects for various local dimensions. All of our examples can be used to build quantum cellular automata in 1+1 or 2+1 dimensions, with multiple equivalent choices for the “direction of time”.
[1]: Márton Mestyán, Balázs Pozsgay, Ian M. Wanless, Multi-directional unitarity and maximal entanglement in spatially symmetric quantum states, arXiv:2210.13017 


Quantum Entanglement: the Physics Nobel Prize 2022

2022. 11. 04. 10:15
BME building F, seminar room of the Dept. of Theoretical Physics
János Asbóth (BME/Wigner)
The Nobel Prize in Physics in 2022 was awarded to Alain Aspect, John F. Clauser, and Anton Zeilinger (shared equally) “for experiments with entangled photons, establishing the violation of Bell inequalities and pioneering quantum information science”. In this talk I will review how entanglement and quantum nonlocality was first introduced, what the Bell inequalities are, how this year's Nobel laureates and others measured their violation, and how this work "pioneered quantum information science". 

Some solved and unsolved problems in combinatorial geometry

2022. 11. 08. 14:30
BME building F, 2nd floor, lecture hall 13
Géza Tóth (Rényi/BME)
I talk about four important topics in combinatorial geometry, sphere packings, the Erdős-Szekeres theorem, string graphs, and crossing numbers of graphs. In each of them there were some breakthrough results recently, but there are still many open problems. 

From Yu-Shiba-Rusinov states to Majorana zero modes

2022. 11. 11. 10:15
BME building F, seminar room of the Dept. of Theoretical Physics
Bendegúz Nyári (BME)
The Majorana fermion was originally proposed by Ettore Majorana in 1937 as an elementary particle which is its own antiparticle. Although this elementary particle has not yet been detected, its analogons, Majorana states (and Majorana Zero Modes, often called Majoranas) can appear as quasiparticle excitations in condensed matter physics. These latter have promising applications as building blocks of topological quantum bits, based on their non-Abelian anyonic exchange statistics. Thanks to the rapid development in scanning-tunneling microscopy techniques, today it is possible to build the systems used in model calculations that should host Majoranas, and measure their spectral properties. It remains challenging to prove the presence of Majoranas from the data, and ab initio calculations can help arrive at definite conclusions.
I will present an overview of our ab initio based results on the formation of Majorana zero modes. I will start from a single magnetic impurity on the surface of an s-wave superconductor,  introduce the Yu-Shiba-Rusinov states, and then move on to magnetic chains. For some spin-spiral configurations we found an induced minigap, which has zero energy states localized to the ends of the chain in a spin triplet (superconducting) state. By varying the spiraling angle we observed a phase transition to another gapped state without zero energy states, which we expect to be a topological phase transition.

Transmon platform for quantum computing challenged by chaotic fluctuations

2022. 11. 29. 14:30
BME building F, 2nd floor, lecture hall 13
David DiVincenzo (Aachen)

From the perspective of many body physics, the transmon qubit architectures currently developed for quantum computing are systems of coupled nonlinear quantum resonators. A certain amount of intentional frequency detuning (`disorder') is crucially required to protect individual qubit states against the destabilizing effects of nonlinear resonator coupling. Here we investigate the stability of this variant of a many-body localized phase for system parameters relevant to current quantum processors developed by the IBM, Delft, and Google, considering cases of both natural or engineered disorder.  Applying three independent diagnostics of localization theory --- a Kullback-Leibler analysis of spectral statistics, statistics of many-body wave functions (inverse participation ratios), and a Walsh transform of the many-body spectrum --- we find that some of these computing platforms are dangerously close to a phase of uncontrollable chaotic fluctuations.
