Kvantumos munkastatiszika, univerzalitás és adiabatikus időfejlődés
Kvantumos munkastatiszika, univerzalitás és adiabatikus időfejlődés kaotikus fermionikus rendszerekben
PhD házi védés
Numerical renormalization group and its applications to time-dependent problems
During this talk, I will give a basic introduction to the physics of quantum impurities and the numerical renormalization group (NRG) method - a versatile tool allowing for very accurate treatment of general quantum impurity problems. I will also discuss the extension of NRG to the time domain and present some recent results on the quantum quench dynamics of quantum dot systems, involving also superconducting contacts.
Tensor, entanglement and dual varieties in Fermionic Fock spaces
In the past 20 years classical concepts of algebraic geometry such as the notion of dual varieties have been introduced in the quantum information literature to distinguish different classes of entanglement, a quantum property recognized as a resource in quantum information processing. In this talk, after introducing the connection between the basics of quantum information and the geometry of tensors, I will explain how new equations of the duals of homogeneous varieties can be obtained from graded simple Lie algebras. I will in particular focus on the dual of the spinor varieties $\mathbb{S}_{16}$, the projectivization of the highest weight orbit of the 128 dimensional spin module and its connection with what is known in physics as Fermionic Fock spaces.