
Quantum entanglement and its use in metrology

2021. 11. 02. 14:30
BME building F, 2nd floor, lecture hall 13
Géza Tóth (Wigner RC)
We review quantum entanglement and various methods to verify the presence of entanglement in a quantum systems. We also review recent findings showing that quantum entanglement is needed to beat the shot noise-limit thus outperforming classical interferometry.  We present concrete applications of the ideas above in experiments with photons and cold atoms.
Lecture at the Szilárd Leo Colloquium.

Vasúti konfliktuskezelés adiabatikus kvantumszámítással

2021. 11. 05. 10:15
BME building F, seminar room of the Dept. of Theoretical Physics
Koniorczyk Mátyás (Wigner)
A vasúti üzemtan optimalizálási feladatai között számos nehéz, NP osztályú feladat található. Az optimális konfliktuskezelés ezek egyike. Célja, a vasúti közlekedésben fellépő zavar esetén a menetvonalak optimális újratervezése annak érdekében, hogy a tervezett menetrendtől való eltérés minimális legyen. Operatív tervezésről lévén szó, a megoldásra rendelkezésre álló idő rövid. A kvantumos számítási eszközök a nehéz számítási feladatok megoldásának új eszközei. Noha a vasúti konfliktuskezelés megoldására számos klasszikus modell és algoritmus ismert, a probléma nehézsége miatt a kvantumos eszközökkel való megoldás érdekes alternatíva lehet. Munkánkban bemutatunk egy modellt [1], amelyet egyvágányú vasútvonalak konfliktuskezelésének kvantumos szimulált hőkezeléssel való megoldására dolgoztunk ki. A feladatot a Sziléziai Vasútról (Lengyelország) származó egyszerűbb példákra meg is oldottuk a DWave kvantum annealerrel, és klasszikus algoritmusokkal is. Noha a kvantumeszközök jelenlegi limitációi miatt ez a megközelítés még nem tud versenyezni a klasszikus algoritmusokkal, néhány kisebb feladat megoldásával demonstráltuk, hogy a probléma ilyen megközelítése sikeres lehet. 
[1]: Quantum computing approach to railway dispatching and conflict management optimization on single-track railway lines. K Domino, M Koniorczyk, K Krawiec, K Jałowiecki, B Gardas, arXiv:2010.08227

Inhomogeneous quantum quenches in the sine-Gordon theory

2021. 11. 12. 10:15
online (Teams)
Dávid Horváth (Trieste)

In this talk I review our recent results [1] on inhomogeneous quantum quenches in the attractive regime of the sine--Gordon quantum field theory. The system is prepared in an inhomogeneous initial state in finite volume by coupling the topological charge density operator to a Gaussian external field. After switching off the external field, time evolution is governed by the homogeneous sine-Gordon Hamiltonian. Varying either the interaction strength of the sine-Gordon model or the amplitude of the external source field, an interesting transition is observed in the expectation value of the soliton density. This affects both the initial profile of the density and its time evolution and can be summarised as a steep transition between behaviours reminiscent of the Klein-Gordon, and the free massive Dirac fermion theory with initial external fields of high enough magnitude. The transition in the initial state is also displayed by the classical sine-Gordon theory and hence can be understood by semi-classical considerations in terms of the presence of small amplitude field configurations and the appearance of soliton excitations, which are naturally associated with bosonic and fermionic excitations on the quantum level, respectively. Features of the quantum dynamics are also consistent with this correspondence and comparing them to the classical evolution of the density profile reveals that quantum effects become markedly pronounced during the time evolution. These results suggest a crossover between the dominance of bosonic and fermionic degrees of freedom whose precise identification in terms of the fundamental particle excitations can be rather non-trivial. Nevertheless, their interplay is expected to influence the sine-Gordon dynamics in arbitrary inhomogeneous settings.

[1] D. X. Horváth, M. Kormos, S. Sotiriadis, G. Takács, arXiv:2109.06869

Non-Hermitian Linear Response Theory

2021. 11. 19. 10:15
BME building F, seminar room of the Dept. of Theoretical Physics
Doru Sticlet (Cluj-Napoca)
Linear response theory has a large applicability in physics as it often gives the leading order response of a system to an external probe. We develop an extension of the theory to the domain of non-Hermitian quantum mechanics and exemplify the salient features of this theory through two examples: (1) a one-dimensional tachyon under the effect of electric field-like perturbations and (2) a free electron gas perturbed by non-Hermitian scalar potentials. We show that these contain striking predictions for the behavior of expectation values in the non-Hermitian realm such as a finite electrical DC conductivity in (1) and suppression of Friedel oscillations in (2).
[1] D. Sticlet, B. Dora, C.P. Moca, Kubo formula for non-Hermitian systems and tachyon optical conductivity, arXiv:2104.02428 (2021).
[2] B. Dora, D. Sticlet, C.P. Moca, Non-Hermitian Lindhard function and Friedel oscillations, Phys. Rev. B 104, 125113 (2021).

COVID-19: a multiscale problem

2021. 11. 23. 14:30
Building F, 2nd floor, lecture hall 13
Gergely Röst (Szeged)
The COVID-19 pandemic is one of the most complex challenges in the history of mankind, and requires the tools of many disciplines. The related scientific problems arise in an incredible range of scales, both in spatial resolution and level of organization, spanning from molecular processes via host level dynamics to global transportation networks. In this talk we give an overview of these scales, discuss the related issues, and highlight some examples where our modelling work could contribute. Mathematical modelling is particularly difficult when there is a feedback loop between processes operating on different scales: then a truly multiscale approach is needed. 
Az előadó ERC és Élvonal nyertes kutató.

Symmetry breaking and Chern insulators in twisted graphene structures

2021. 11. 26. 10:15
BME building F, seminar room of the Dept. of Theoretical Physics
Louk Rademaker (Geneve)
Talk also broadcasted online in Teams. Please write to for the Teams link.  

Twisted bilayer graphene (tBG) and variants like twisted monolayer-bilayer graphene (tMBG) were proposed to be a platform for strongly correlated physics akin to the cuprate family. However, I will show that many of the observed interacting phenomena can be explained in terms of breaking of spin/valley symmetry. This can lead to a quantum anomalous Hall effect in the absence of a field, as I will show for tMBG [1]. In large magnetic fields the same spin- valley symmetry breaking leads to a series of Chern insulator states [2]. Finally, I will briefly discuss the possibility of genuine strong correlated physics in Moiré structures.

[1] Rademaker, Protopopov, Abanin, Phys. Rev. Research, 2, 033150 (2020).
[2] Saito, Ge, Rademaker, Watanabe, Taniguchi, Abanin, Young, Nature Physics, 108, 12233 (2021).

Complex physical systems and the Nobel Prize in Physics 2021

2021. 12. 03. 10:15
BME building F, seminar room of the Dept. of Theoretical Physics & Online
Ferenc Iglói (Wigner)

Syukoro Manabe, Klaus Hasselmann and Giorgio Parisi received the Nobel Prize in Physics from the Swedish Academy of Sciences in 2021 for their “groundbreaking contributions to the understanding of complex physical systems”. In the first half of the presentation, we briefly present the key results of the winners. We then discuss Parisi's findings on disordered systems in more detail. In this context we describe the different forms of fluctuations due to disorder and their role in the collective behavior of many-body systems. We pay special attention to the replica symmetry breaking conditions in spin glasses, which represent a new form of organization of matter.

Mikulás Fizika 2021

2021. 12. 06. 17:00
online (youtube)
Härtlein Károly (BME)
Härtlein Károly előadása, amit idén a youtube-on követhetnek az érdeklődők.

