
Magnetic skyrmions

The BME-MTA Magneto-optical Spectroscopy Research Group of the Department of Physics published two experimental studies in Scientific Reports. In their first study [1], they reveal the ferroelectric domain structure of polar magnets, and their effects on the magnetic skyrmions in the material. In their subsequent work [2], they report the first-time observation of an exotic magnetically ordered ground state, a so-called skyrmion lattice.

[1] Á. Butykai, S. Bordács, I. Kézsmárki, V. Tsurkan, A. Loidl, J. Döring, E. Neuber, P. Milde, S. C. Kehr, L. M. Eng, Characteristics of ferroelectric-ferroelastic domains in Néel-type skyrmion host GaV4S8, Scientific Reports 7, 44663 (2017).
[2] S. Bordács, Á. Butykai, B. G. Szigeti, J. S. White, R. Cubitt, A. O. Leonov, S. Widmann, D. Ehlers, H.-A. Krug von Nidda, V. Tsurkan, A. Loidl, I. Kézsmárki, Equilibrium Skyrmion Lattice Ground State in a Polar Easy-plane Magnet, Scientific Reports 7, 7584 (2017).

New helium liquefier

The Department of Physics received funding to establish a new helium liquefier. As part of the project, developments at our partners ELTE, MTA TTK, MTA EK and MTA Wigner RC will also be realized, aiding the collaboration of these institutions, and the sustainable helium consumption in Central Hungary.

Novel spin relaxation in semiconductors

The theoretical description of spin relaxation is the key to spintronics, a potential new paradigm aiming to substitute conventional electronics. The study, published by the BME-MTA PROSPIN research group in Scientific Reports, identifies a new regime of spin relaxation, characterized by non-exponential behavior. The group also introduces an efficient numerical method, allowing to accurately predict spin-relaxation times even for materials possessing complicated spin-orbit interaction.

Alfred Zawadowski passed away

Alfred Zawadowski, member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, professor emeritus at our Department of Theoretical Physics, and former director of the Institute of Physics, died on Saturday, August 5, at the age of 82.


Alfred Zawadowski, “Fred”, was a unique, globally known, and highly respected figure of the Hungarian physics community. He established the research and teaching activities of modern condensed-matter physics within Hungary. He initiated new research directions, and inspired and educated multiple generations of physicists toward their scientific career. He transformed our Institute into an internationally renown centre of physics research and education, conveying exceptional theoretical and experimental results along the directions he initiated. His achievements were honoured from the government and the academy by several awards and prizes.


The demise of Fred Zawadowski is a tragic loss for the Hungarian physics community, especially our Institute. Colleagues, students and friends all mourn his death.

International Physics Olympiad

The Hungarian team won 1 gold and 4 silver medals at the 48th International Physics Olympiad for high-school students, which took place in Indonesia, July 16-24, 2017.
The team and their results: 
Tamás Lajos Tompa (gold)
Földes Ferenc Gimnázium, Budapest
Péter Tamás Kovács (silver)
Zrínyi Miklós Gimnázium, Zalaegerszeg
Tóbiás Marozsák (silver)
Óbudai Árpád Gimnázium, Budapest
Botond Nagy (silver)
Zrínyi Miklós Gimnázium, Zalaegerszeg
Balázs Németh (silver)
Fazekas Mihály Fővárosi Gyakorló Általános Iskola és Gimnázium, Budapest


The team was lead and assisted by BME physicist colleagues Tamás Tasnádi (Department of Analysis), Péter Vankó, and Krisztián Szász (Department of Physics).

BME's most significant scientific publication in 2016

Márton Kormos and Gábor Takács received the award for their work published in Nature Physics.

Márton Kormos, Mario Collura, Gábor Takács, Pasquale Calabrese. Real-time confinement following a quantum quench to a non-integrable model. Nature Physics 13, 246–249 (2017).

The publication in Nature Physics.

Summary of the work in Science Daily.

The certificate of the award (pdf).
