Questions, requests: András Pályi (palyi at, János Török (torok72 at
Manage personal pages on the department's website:
- Department of Atomic Physics:
- Department of Physics:
- Department of Theoretical Physics:
If required, click on HU/EN to select language.
Account = Full Name. Example: Kovács József, Joe Smith. If you do not know your password, then click Új jelszó igénylése / Request new password. You will receive your new password in an email in a few moments. If that does not happen, contact us.
Customize your personal website: login > Saját adatok / My account > Szerkesztés / Edit. Use the boxes there to outline your teaching and research activities, list your selected publications and talks, and upload your cv (templates here) and portrait photo (width: 90 pixels, height: 120 pixels). Do not forget to save changes - Mentés / Save button at the bottom of the page. Please provide at least your selected publications, your cv and your portrait photo.
Manage course pages on the institute's website:
If required, click on HU/EN to select language.
Find your course page:
- Direct URL: the URL follows this pattern: (Hungarian) and (English).
- From Hungarian main page of the institute (example): > Oktatás > Fizikus MSc specializációk > Kutatófizikus. Click the course title to access the course page.
- From English main page of the institute (example): > Study Here > MSc in Physics > list of courses at the bottom of the page. Click the course title to access the course page.
To edit the course page, click on Szerkesztés / Edit.
Please include on the course page all relevant information: semester (e.g., 2019 Fall), time of the course (e.g., Tuesday 10:15-11:45), location of the course (e.g., room F29), lecturer's name, position, affiliation, email. Describe requirements and methodology of evaluation of students' performance. Might also include supplementary materials, e.g., lecture notes.
Make sure that the information is available from the Hungarian as well as from the English pages. You might prefer to maintain only the Hungarian course page. Then, please insert a link on the English course page that points to the Hungarian course page.
If you maintain an external course page (strongly discouraged), e.g., on Fizipedia, then please insert a link on the internal Hungarian and English course pages that point to the external course page.
[Last update: Sep 07, 2019. Created: May 23, 2019]