
Rendezetlen és korrelált kvantumrendszerek elméleti vizsgálata - PhD házivédés

2019. 08. 30. 10:15
Elméleti Fizika Tanszék szemináriumi szoba
Werner Miklós
Témavezető: Zaránd Gergely
házi bíráló: Legeza Örs
Doktori munkám során rendezetlen és korrelált kvantumrendszerek numerikus szimulációjával foglalkoztam. Elsőként az Anderson-lokalizáció kritikus állapotának gerjeszthetőségét vizsgáltam háromdimenziós rendezetlen, kölcsönható ultrahideg Bose-Einstein kondenzátum segítségével. További munkáim egydimenziós, erősen korrelált rendszerek mátrix szorzat állapotokon alapuló szimulációjához kapcsolódtak. Olyan algoritmusokat fejlesztettem, melyekben a vizsgált modellek ábeli és nem-ábeli szimmetriái is kihasználhatók mind alapállapoti (DMRG), mind dinamikai (TEBD) számítások során. Ezen algoritmusok segítségével integrálható és nem-integrálható spinmodellekben vizsgáltam a kvantum-kvencsek utáni dinamikát és relaxációt. Előadásomban részletesebben is bemutatom az antiferromágneses S=1 spinű Heisenberg lánc kvantum-kvencseit vizsgáló munkánk eredményeit, melyben a modell ismert alacsonyenergiás viselkedésén alapuló szemiklasszikus és hibrid szemi-szemiklasszikus modell jóslatait vetettük össze a mikroszkopikus TEBD szimuláció eredményeivel.

Controlling atomic wave packets at the quantum speed limit

2019. 09. 06. 10:15
Building F, stairway III., seminar room of the Dept. of Theoretical Physics
Andrea Alberti (Bonn)

I will report on the experimental realization of fast, high-fidelity transport of atomic wave packets in deep optical lattices. The goal here is to transport atoms by one or more lattice sites in the shortest time allowed by quantum mechanics, under the constraint that no motional excitation is created after transport, and the optical lattice depth does not exceed a maximum value given by the available resources (e.g., finite laser power). To achieve fast atom transport, we use quantum optimal control, which allows several motional excitations to be created during the transport process, and yet refocus them back into the motional ground state with a fidelity at around 99%. Optimizing the process for various transport times, we clearly observe a minimum time below which transport operations unavoidably create motional excitations. This time defines the quantum speed limit for the transport operation. From the experimental data, we deduce that such a minimal transport time is essentially determined by the harmonic period of the trapping potential. Theoretically, such a time can be estimated using the energy uncertainty and the Fubini-Study metric quantifying the path length connecting the initial and final states. I will show that the fast atom transport in spin-dependent optical lattices allows us to outrun decoherence, and thus to improve coherence of Mach-Zehnder atom interferometers and of quantum-walk experiments, where atoms are delocalized in space through a multiplicity of quantum paths. Finally, I will conclude with an outlook towards two-dimensional quantum-walk experiments for the study of anomalous Floquet Chern topological insulators using pseudo spin-1/2 particles [1].

[1] Sajid et al., “Creating anomalous Floquet Chern insulators with magnetic quantum walks”
Phys. Rev. B 99, 214303 (2019).


Weak lensing cosmology with neural networks

2019. 09. 20. 10:15
Building F, stairway III., seminar room of the Dept. of Theoretical Physics
Dezső Ribli (ELTE)

Title: Weak lensing cosmology with convolutional neural networks on noisy data


Weak gravitational lensing is one of the most promising cosmological probes
of the late universe. Several large ongoing (DES, KiDS, HSC) and planned
(LSST, EUCLID, WFIRST) astronomical surveys attempt to collect even deeper
and larger scale data on weak lensing. Due to gravitational collapse, the
distribution of dark matter is non-Gaussian on small scales. However,
observations are typically evaluated through the two-point correlation
function of galaxy shear, which does not capture non-Gaussian features of
the lensing maps. Previous studies attempted to extract non-Gaussian
information from weak lensing observations through several higher-order
statistics such as the three-point correlation function, peak counts or
Minkowski-functionals. Deep convolutional neural networks (CNN) emerged in
the field of computer vision with tremendous success, and they offer a new
and very promising framework to extract information from 2 or 3-dimensional
astronomical data sets, confirmed by recent studies on weak lensing. We
show that a CNN is able to yield significantly stricter constraints of
(σ8,Ωm) cosmological parameters than the power spectrum using convergence
maps generated by full N-body simulations and ray-tracing, at angular
scales and shape noise levels relevant for future observations. In a
scenario mimicking LSST or Euclid, the CNN yields 2.4-2.8 times smaller
credible contours than the power spectrum, and 3.5-4.2 times smaller at
noise levels corresponding to a deep space survey such as WFIRST. We also
show that at shape noise levels achievable in future space surveys the CNN
yields 1.4-2.1 times smaller contours than peak counts, a higher-order
statistic capable of extracting non-Gaussian information from weak lensing

Robustness of Griffiths effects in brain models

2019. 09. 27. 10:15
Building F, stairway III., seminar room of the Dept. of Theoretical Physics
Géza Ódor (MFA)

Recent experimental evidence suggests, that our brain operates near criticality, where spatial and temporal correlations diverge, a dynamics, that enhances the brain information-processing capabilities, increasing sensitivity and optimizing the dynamic range. It might be the case that the brain tunes itself near criticality via self-organization, or alternatively, could benefit from the same  properties if sufficient heterogenities (that is disorder) are present to induce an extended semi-critical region, known as Griffiths Phase. In the entire Griffiths Phase, which is an extended control parameter region around the critical point, fluctuations diverge and auto-correlations exhibit fat tailed, power-law behavior. I provide numerical evidence for the robustness of the Griffiths Phase in dynamical threshold model simulations on a large human brain network with N=836733 connected nodes [1,2,3].


[1] G. Odor and M. Gastner, Sci. Rep. 6, (2016) 27249.
[2] G. Odor, Phys. Rev. E 94, (2016) 062411.
[3] G. Odor, Phys. Rev. E 99, (2019) 012113.


Atomic-scale Building Blocks for Artificial Intelligence

2019. 10. 01. 14:30
Building F, stairway III., 2nd floor, room F3213
András Halbritter (BME)

Recently an incredible progress has been achieved in the hardware implementation of artificial neural networks utilizing resistive switching memory (RRAM) technology relying on the voltage induced formation and degradation of conducting filaments within an insulator matrix. As an example, 128x64 memristor crossbar arrays were built and successfully applied for efficient image processing and machine learning tasks. The active volume of such devices is much smaller than in conventional semiconductor architectures, it can even reach the ultimate, atomic size-scales. In the talk I will review the recent progress in RRAM research, along with our results on the physical understanding of atomic-sized artificial synapses.

Quantumstatistical correlations and the QCD phase diagram

2019. 10. 05. 10:15
Building F, stairway III., seminar room of the Dept. of Theoretical Physics
Máté Csanád (ELTE)

The RHIC beam energy scan program, complemented by similar programmes at other accelerators, allows for the investigation of the phase diagram of QCD matter by varying the beam energy in the region where the change from crossover to first order phase transition is suggested to occur. The nature of the quark-hadron transition can be studied through analyzing the space-time structure of the hadron emission source. Many measurements were performed in the recent years, from particle yields through fluctuations and anisotropies to intermittency and quantumstatistical correlations. These as of now show a controversial picture, and in this talk, we will go through the plethora of results, with special focus on Bose-Einstein correlations.

Strongly Correlated Ultracold Few-Fermion Systems

2019. 10. 07. 14:00
Building F, stairway III., seminar room of the Dept. of Theoretical Physics
Peter Jeszenszki (Auckland)

Title: "Accurate Numerical Calculations for Strongly Correlated Ultracold Few-Fermion Systems with the Transcorrelated Approach"




"In the description of the ultracold few-fermion systems, the exact diagonalization approach is frequently applied in order to achieve reliability and accuracy in theoretical calculations. In this approach, the energies and the wave functions are obtained by diagonalizing the Hamiltonian in a many-body Fock basis. As the size of Hilbert space combinatorially increases with the size of the system, most of the calculations are limited to the intermediate interaction strength. Therefore, understanding and improving convergence properties is crucial in order to make the approach more widely applicable.


The rate of convergence of physical observables with increasing basis size is determined, for the most part, by the nature of the particle-particle interaction itself. In ultracold atoms, the interaction potential is usually modeled by a zero-range pseudopotential, which introduces a singularity in the wave function at the particle-particle coalescence point. This singularity causes painfully slow convergence in one spatial dimension whereas in two or three dimensions it can lead to pathologic behavior.


We improve the exisiting exact diagonaliyzation approach with two distinguished steps. First, we apply the Full Configuration Interaction Quantum Monte Carlo, which introducing a stochastic sampling in the wave function significantly descreases the memory requirements and accelerates the numerical calculations compare to the exact diagonalization approach. Then, we also apply the transcorrelated approach, where the wave function is considered as a product of a Jastrow-type two-particle function and a linear combination of Fock basis states. The Jastrow factor, which contains the singularity of the wave function, is folded into the Hamiltonian by a similarity transformation. Thus the singularity is removed from the Fock-space expansion to leading order. The transformation thus smoothes out the singularity of the original zero-range pseudopotential, which significantly improves the convergence rate of the transcorrelated eigenfunction in the Fock basis states.


We will present numerical examples for the few-fermion sytems at strong interactions in one dimension and for few-fermion systems in three dimensions at unitarity. In one dimension the transcorrelated approach improves the convergence of the energy error from M^{−1} to M^{−3}, where M is the number of the single-particle basis functions. In three dimensions due to the pathological zero-range pseudopotential, the exact diagonalization of the original Hamiltonian is not possible. The transcorrelated transformation eliminates the pathological nature of the Hamiltonian and yields a M^{-1} convergence, which is a significant improvement compared to the standard renormalization approach, M^{-1/3}."

Topology and perturbation theory in disordered and mesoscopic systems

2019. 10. 11. 10:15
Building F, stairway III., seminar room of the Dept. of Theoretical Physics
Dániel Varjas (Delft)

Title: "Topological invariants and perturbation theory in disordered and mesoscopic systems using the kernel polynomial method"


Abstract: "We present new algorithms based on the kernel polynomial method, that allow us to study the topology and response of samples with more than 10^7 degrees of freedom. We calculate topological invariants of bulk disordered insulators, such as alloys, quasicrystals, and amorphous systems. In particular, we apply our method to the mirror Chern number using an atomistic model of PbSnTe alloy and tighten the critical concentration for the phase transition. We also develop the hybrid kernel polynomial method, which allows accurate and efficient treatment of both subgap and continuum states. We use this approach to improve the computation of supercurrent and inductance in a Josephson junction, and the construction of perturbative effective Hamiltonians describing the interaction of spin qubits defined in a two dimensional electron gas."

Topological insulators: quantized Faraday rotation and the band structure

2019. 10. 15. 14:30
Building F, stairway III., 2nd floor, room F3213
Andrei Pimenov (TU Wien)

Topological insulators are materials which are insulating in the bulk and which reveal conducting surface states. The electrodynamics of topological insulators is described by modified Maxwell’s equations, which contain additional terms that couple an electric field to a magnetization, such that the coupling coefficient is quantized. The new term leads to universal values of Faraday rotation angle equal to the fine structure constant when a linearly polarized terahertz radiation passes through a topological insulator. This regime is obtained in high magnetic field and in the quantum regime.


Further talks in the series of our Szilard Colloquium:
