Robustness of Griffiths effects in brain models

2019. 09. 27. 10:15
Building F, stairway III., seminar room of the Dept. of Theoretical Physics
Géza Ódor (MFA)

Recent experimental evidence suggests, that our brain operates near criticality, where spatial and temporal correlations diverge, a dynamics, that enhances the brain information-processing capabilities, increasing sensitivity and optimizing the dynamic range. It might be the case that the brain tunes itself near criticality via self-organization, or alternatively, could benefit from the same  properties if sufficient heterogenities (that is disorder) are present to induce an extended semi-critical region, known as Griffiths Phase. In the entire Griffiths Phase, which is an extended control parameter region around the critical point, fluctuations diverge and auto-correlations exhibit fat tailed, power-law behavior. I provide numerical evidence for the robustness of the Griffiths Phase in dynamical threshold model simulations on a large human brain network with N=836733 connected nodes [1,2,3].


[1] G. Odor and M. Gastner, Sci. Rep. 6, (2016) 27249.
[2] G. Odor, Phys. Rev. E 94, (2016) 062411.
[3] G. Odor, Phys. Rev. E 99, (2019) 012113.