This was an online seminar series organized for 2021 Feb-March jointly by Lóránt Farkas at Nokia Bell Labs, András Pályi at the Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BME), and Zoltán Zimborás at the Wigner Research Centre for Physics and BME. Talks were recorded and available upon request (email: lorant.farkas at nokia-bell-labs dot com). Thanks for all speakers for the nice talks, and for the audience for their interest and activity!
- Feb 18 Thu, 14:30 CET: Quantum-protected Blockchain - Aleksey Fedorov, Russian Quantum Center
- Feb 25 Thu, 14:30 CET: NetSquid, a discrete-event simulation platform for quantum networks - Tim Coopmans, TU Delft
- Mar 4 Thu, 14:30 CET: Byzantine Fault Tolerance using Entangled Quantum States - Andras Palyi, BME
Cancelled -
Mar 11 Thu, 14:30 CET: Quantum Hacking - Vadim Makarov, Russian Quantum Center
The Audience & The Sessions
1) Audience. The primary target audience is
- Nokia Bell Labs researchers: physicists, mathematicians, computer scientists.
- Our research group in Budapest (BME & Wigner RCP) working on quantum information and condensed matter.
We also actively advertise the series within the local research environments of the speakers. That is: Moscow, Delft, and Budapest. We do not actively advertise this series outside these organizations, but upon request, we do consider taking further participants. If you'd like to join, please contact Lóránt Farkas at lorant.farkas at nokia-bell-labs dot com.
Quantum state, gates, measurements, circuits: chapters
1.2 Quantum bits (~ 4 pages)
1.3 Quantum computation (~ 11 pages)
1.4 Quantum algorithms (~ 13 pages) -
Quantum Key Distribution:
12.6.3 Quantum Key Distribution (~ 6 pages)
Contact us at palyi at eik dot bme dot hu, or lorant.farkas at nokia-bell-labs dot com, or zimboras.zoltan at wigner dot hu.