Course data
Course name: Applied Solid State Physics
Neptun ID: BMETE11AF11
Responsible teacher: Szabolcs Csonka
Programme: BSc Physics
Course data sheet: BMETE11AF11
Requirements, Information

General data

  • Course name: Applied Solid State Physics
  • Course code: BMETE11AF11;
  • Requirements: 2/0/0/V/2;
  • Semester: Spring;
  • Language: English;
  • Responsible teacher: Szabolcs Csonka, associate professor
  • Lecturer: Szabolcs Csonka, Endre Tóvári
  • Department: Department of Physics
  • Programme: BSc Physics (mandatory) and MSc Physics (recommended for students without preliminary studies in solid state physics)
  • Exam: Written/Oral exam at the end of semester

Topics of the exam

Detailed list of topics


Semiconductor physics: band structure, electrons and holes, impurity doping, statistical mechanics of semiconductors.

  • Steven H. Simon - The Oxford Solid State Basics, Chapter 17

Semiconductor devices: band structure engineering, p-n junction and the transistor.

  • Steven H. Simon - The Oxford Solid State Basics, Chapter 18

Electron transport in nanowires: Characteristic length-scales, conductance of a quantum wire, Landauer formula, conductance quantization

Thermoelectric phenomena in nanowires: Seebeck and Peltier effect, heat conduction and Wiedemann-Franz law

Coherent and incoherent transport: four probe resistance, coherent and incoherent serial connection of scattering centers, demonstration of Ohm's law.

The Boltzmann equation: non-equilibrium distribution function, the Boltzmann equation in the relaxation time approximation, solution of the Boltzmann equation in finite tamparature gradient or in finite electric field. Calculation of the conductance in an isotropic system. Thermoelectric phenomena. Temperature dependence of the resistance in metals.

Magnetism: origin of atomic magnetic moments: Hund's rules, why do magnetic moments align? Investigation of a toy model (2 electrons in an atom), symmetry of the wavefunction, exchange energy; simple models of magnetism: effective model of interacting spins (by Dirac), Heisenberg model, Ising model. Types of spontaneous magnetic order; ferromagnets, antiferromagnets, ferrimagnets; spontaneous symmetry breaking, frustration. The mean field theory of ferromagnets, effective (Weiss-)field, self consistency equation, paramagnetic and ferromagnetic phase, critical temperature (Curie-point); spontaneous magnetization as a function of temperature.

  • Steven H. Simon - The Oxford Solid State Basics, Sections 19.1-19.2, chapters 20 and 22

Superconductivity: Phenomenology of superconductors. Macroscopic wave function and the Meissner effect.


Steven H. Simon: The Oxford Solid State Basics

N. W. Ashcroft and N. D. Mermin: Solid State Physics

C. Kittel: Introduction to Solid State Physics