Regular seminar time: Monday 2:15 PM - 3:45 PM
Regular venue: Seminar Room of the Department of Theoretical Physics , building F, staircase III
Previous years: 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016
Seminars in 2018/2019:
10/28/2019 2:00 PM
Superfluid weight and polarization amplitude in the one-dimensional bosonic Hubbard model
Balázs Hetényi (Bilkent & BME) -
06/05/2019 2:15 PM
Quantum Rifling: Revisiting the Stern-Gerlach experiment with a twist
Daniel Szombati (U Queensland) -
15/04/2019 2:15 PM
Relaxation in tunnel coupled 1D superfluids
Marine Pigneur (TU Wien) -
01/04/2019 2:15 PM
Quantum relaxation and metastability of lattice bosons with cavity-induced long-range interactions
Ferenc Iglói (Wigner FK) -
18/03/2019 2:15 PM
Symmetry-protected Topological Phases
Izabella Lovas (TU Munich) -
26/02/2019 2:15 PM (location: F3213)
Journal Club on "Solving the quantum many-body problem with artificial neural networks"
Miklós Werner (BME) -
11/02/2019 2:15 PM
Dispersive readout for topological Majorana qubits
Vahid Derakhshan (BME) -
04/02/2019 2:15 PM
Quantum noise in a transversely-pumped-cavity Bose-Hubbard model
Gergely Szirmai (Wigner RCP) -
14/01/2019 2:15 PM
Detection of Antiferromagnetic Domains Via the Optical Magnetoelectric Effect
Sándor Bordács (BME) -
07/01/2019 2:15 PM
Pedagogical introduction to Weyl semimetals through a minimal tight-binding model
János Asbóth (Wigner RCP) -
17/12/2018 2:15 PM
Non-equilibrium properties of graphene probed by superconducting tunnel spectroscopy
Péter Makk (BME) -
10/12/2018 2:15 PM
Nuclear spin-lattice relaxation time in TaP and the Knight shift of Weyl semimetals
Zoltán Okvátovity (BME) -
26/11/2018 2:15 PM
Ground-state properties of the symmetric single-impurity Anderson model on a ring
Gergely Barcza (Wigner) -
12/11/2018 2:15 PM
Transconducting Transition for a Dynamic Boundary Coupled to Several Luttinger Liquids
Baruch Horovitz (Bar-Ilan) -
11/06/2018 2:15 PM
Floquet spectroscopy of a driven charge qubit with a microwave resonator
András Pályi (BME) -
04/06/2018 2:15 PM
Calculation of the topological susceptibility in SU(2) lattice gauge theory
Zoltán Varga (BME, ELTE) -
23/04/2018 2:15 PM
School report (Winter School 2018, Marburg)
Miklós Werner (BME) -
16/04/2018 2:15 PM
Path-integral Monte Carlo simulation of time-reversal noninvariant bulk systems with a case study of rotating Yukawa gases
Csaba Tőke (BME) -
09/04/2018 2:15 PM
Hydrodynamics of quantum information from random circuit models
Tibor Rakovszky (TU Munich) -
26/03/2018 2:15 PM
Noise of a chargeless Fermi liquid
Catalin Pascu Moca (BME & University of Oradea) -
12/03/2018 2:15 PM
Topological phases in ladder models
Balázs Hetényi (BME & Bilkent University (Turkey)) -
12/02/2018 2:15 PM
Identifying Genetic Errors
Márton Kanász-Nagy (MIT-Harvard Broad Institiute) -
22/01/2018 2:15 PM
Time evolution of one-point functions in integrable field theory quenches
Dávid Horváth (BME) -
29/01/2018 2:30 PM
Integrable initial states in Integrable models
Balázs Pozsgay (BME)
Seminars in 2017:
17/02/2017 10:15 AM
Real-time confinement following a quantum quench to a non-integrable spin chain
Márton Kormos (BME) -
21/03/2017 3:15 PM
Floquet adiabatic perturbation theory
Szabolcs Vajna (University of Ljubljana & BME) -
31/03/2017 10:15 AM
Dynamical Shiba states and bands in s-wave superconductors
Micrea Trif (Tsinghua University, Beijing, China) -
13/06/2017 14:15 PM
Non-equilibrium transport in the XXZ spin-1/2 chain
Mario Collura (University of Oxford, UK) -
20/06/2017 14:15 PM
Entropy production in coupled Bose-Einstein condensates
Izabella Lovas (BME) -
27/06/2017 14:15 PM
New strategies towards proving the Riemann Hypothesis
André LeClair (Cornell University, US) -
04/07/2017 14:15 PM
Development of Path Integral Monte Carlo simulations in magnetic field
Tamás Galambos (BME) -
11/07/2017 14:15 PM
Fully tunable coherence and control of acceptor qubits
Dimitrie Culcer (University of New South Wales, Sidney, Australia) -
18/07/2017 14:15 PM
Cavity quantum electrodynamics with mesoscopic topological superconductors
Micrea Trif (Tsinghua University, Beijing, China) -
23/08/2017 14:15 PM
The Fermi-Hubbard model under a quantum gas microscope
Márton Kanász-Nagy (Harvard University, Boston, US) -
29/08/2017 14:15 PM
Zero energy edge states and topology in carbon nanotubes
Wataru Izumida (Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan)
18/09/2017 2:15 PM
Electric control of dopant nuclear spins in semiconductors
András Pályi (BME) -
25/09/2017 2:15 PM
Quenches in the S=1 Heisenberg chain: comparison between semiclassics and MPS simulations
Miklós Antal Werner (BME) -
02/10/2017 2:15 PM
Non-equilibrium steady states: validation and falsification of CFT predictions
Zoltán Zimborás (Wigner RC, Budapest) -
16/10/2017 2:15 PM
Replica resummation of the Baker-Campbell-Hausdorff series
Szabolcs Vajna (University of Ljubljana & BME) -
30/10/2017 2:15 PM
Electron-electron attraction in graphene electromechanical systems
Matthias Droth (BME) -
06/11/2017 2:15 PM
Magnetically confined quantum dots in graphene: capturing Dirac electrons using the tip of a scanning tunneling microscope
Péter Nemes-Incze (MTA EK) -
13/11/2017 2:15 PM
Topological Kondo insulators
Izabella Lovas -
20/11/2017 2:15 PM
From snake states to Mach-Zender interference in graphene pn junctions
Péter Makk (BME) -
27/11/2017 2:15 PM
(organized jointly with the Nanoseminar of the Nanoelectronics group)
Topological states (Majorana fermions and parafermions) in low dimensional systems
Jelena Klinovaja (University of Basel) -
04/12/2017 2:15 PM
Skyrmions in polar magnets
Sándor Bordács (BME) -
11/12/2017 2:15 PM
Sculpting Shadows - Structured light and the spatial shaping of fields and atoms
Thomas W. Clark (Wigner RC, Budapest) -
18/12/2017 2:15 PM
Orbital contributions to the electron g-factor in semiconductor nanowires
Dániel Varjas (Delft)