Course title:
Reactor Physics
Primary programme:
Fizikus mérnök BSc
ECTS credits:
Course type:
Number of lectures per week:
Number of practices per week:
Number of laboratory exercises per week:
Further knowledge transfer methods:
Special grading methods:
Modern Physics
Responsible lecturer:
Dr. József Kópházi, associate professor, PhD
Lecturers and instructors:
Course description:
Description of nuclear reactors in general. Use of neutrons: energy production, measurement technology. Cross sections, relationship of nuclear reactions to neutron gas. Description of neutron gas, the Boltzmann equation as a neutron balance. Initial and boundary conditions. The concept of criticality. Approximations of the Boltzmann equation: the diffusion theory. Energy groups. Time dependence and criticality in a one-group approximation. Kinetics, measurement of reactivity. The neutron spectrum. Theory of neutron slowing down. Resonances. Thermalization. Spatial distribution of slowing down neutrons, Fermi age. Multi-group methods. Thermal reactors: bare and reflected reactor. Fuel grids. Reactivity factors. Reactor excursion. Adjoint function. Perturbation theory. Point kinetics. Burn-up. Reactor operation. Numerical methods
Reading materials:
Nuclear reactor analysis / James J. Duderstadt, Louis J. Hamilton.[2009], cop. 1976.
ISBN 0-471-22363-8Weston M. Stacey Nuclear Reactor Physics, Second Edition, 2007 ISBN:9783527406791
List of competences:
Please find the detailed list, as quoted from the Hungarian training and outcome requirements of the Physicist Engineer program, in the Hungarian version of the course description.