Why does time flow?
2023. March 29.
2023. March 29.
2023. March 20.
Why is it possible to control a superconductor by a gate electrode? New BME experiment sheds light on the underlying mechanism. Published in ACS Nano.
2023. March 13.
2023. February 13.
Article on quantum computers freshly published at Hungarian news outlet telex.hu, featuring comments of János Asbóth, associate professor of the BME Institute of Physics.
2023. February 12.
2023. February 01.
The European Research Council awarded almost 2 million euros to support the nanoelectronics research of Péter Makk, associate professor of the BME Insitute of Physics. Congratulations!
News item in Hungarian, at bme.hu-n: https://www.bme.hu/hirek/20230131/Ismet_muegyetemi_gyoztes_Europa_legran...
Web page of the Momentum Research Group of Péter Makk: https://nanoelectronics.physics.bme.hu/vdWaals_intro
Results of the ERC Consolidator Grant 2022: https://erc.europa.eu/news-events/news/erc-2022-consolidator-grants-results
2023. January 28.
New experimental results of an international collaboration, led by BME associate professor Sándor Bordács, has been published in Physical Review Letters.
The team, consisting of Japanese, Estonian and Hungarian researchers, have observed an unusual form of spin-lattice coupling using infrared spectroscopy. In multiferroic Swedenborgites, the lifetime of lattice vibrations (phonons) is strongly suppressed, and the phonons are scattered by the magnetic fluctuations of the disordered paramagnetic phase. According to the explanation of the authors, the orbital degrees of freedom of the transition metal electrons play a key role in the enhanced spin-lattice interaction. The results have been published in Physical Review Letters.
2023. January 22.
In 2022, associate professor Szabolcs Csonka won the Momentum Grant of the Academy for the second time. His research is covered now in a new report (in Hungarian) at bme.hu.
2023. January 08.
BME physicists embark on a new four-year project funded by the European Union, to research the physics and applications of optically active silicon nanostructures.
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ONCHIPS_EU
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/onchips-eu-1b487624a
2023. January 08.
Must-see physics experiments: special physics lecture for high-school students, at BME's building Q, Károly Simonyi Lecture Hall, at 15:00 on February 1st Wednesday.