
Physicis-Engineer BSc starts in September 2023

BME’s Faculty of Natural Sciences launches a new Physicist-Engineer BSc program in September 2023.


In response to an overwhelming demand from technology intensive R&D companies in Hungary and worldwide, BME launches a new program to train Physicist-Engineers with strong R&D potential.


Our program focuses on rapidly developing technological areas such as quantum and nanotechnology, data science and artificial intelligence, photonics, quantum optics and materials science, sustainable energetics, and nuclear technology. In collaboration with our industrial partners, we offer worldwide competitive, versatile knowledge in these fields to answer novel technological challenges.


Prima Primissima Prize

The 2022 edition of the Prima Primissima Prize in the category `Education in Hungary' was awarded to our colleague Károly Härtlein. Congratulations!




Popular article on irreversibility

New popular article published by BME researchers in the monthly review of the Roland Eötvös Physical society: "The irreversibility of processes and the Loschmidt paradox".  The article (pdf, in Hungarian) is based on a student conference paper (pdf, in English), which was awarded 1st prize in the high-school category of BME's Scientific Students' Associations (TDK) Conference.

Inaugural lecture of Gergely Zaránd

Gergely Zaránd, head of the BME Institute of Physics, delivers his inaugural lecture as a regular member at the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, at 14h, October 26th. 


Details at (in Hungarian):


Prima Primissima Award: Härtlein's nomination

For his teaching and outreach activities, our colleague Károly Härtlein is nominated for the Prima Primissima 2022 Award in the category "Education in Hungary". Congratulations for the nomination!


Károly Härtlein obtained his degrees in engineering and teaching between 1980 and 1990, and has been leading the demo lab of the BME Institute of Physics since 1990. He is passionate for experimental demonstrations in physics education, and has delivered hundeds of experiment-focused lectures for students and teachers, within and outside Hungary. He is also a leading figure in Hungary's sceptical movement. In 2005, he initiated the first Researchers' Night event in Hungary, which took place at BME. He has appeared in numerous physics outreach TV shows, the most popular being "Brutal Physics". 


News item on the Award's page (in Hungarian):


News item on (in Hungarian):


International Physics Olimpiad 2022

BME teachers played an essential role in the success of the Hungarian and the Saudi Arabian teams competing at the International Physics Olympiad this summer. The BME coaching team of Tamás Sarkadi (Department of Atomic Physics), Krisztián Szász, Gréta Mezei, and Máté Kedves (Department of Physics), was further supported by Máté Vigh, and, from the Saudi side, Talal Al-Rashidi.


News item (in Hungarian) at


Website of the International Physics Olympiad: 


Results of the Hungarian team:

Kovács Balázs Csaba - gold medal
Gurzó József - silver medal
Toronyi András - bronze medal
Kertész Balázs - bronze medal
Bencz Benedek - bronze medal
Results of the Saudi Arabian team: 1 silver medal, 2 bronze medals, 2 honourable mentions.
