
Quantum-critical circuits: a new Nature pubication

In a collaboration with Stanford, researchers in the EQP 'Momentum' Group of the Institute of Physics studied how electrons 'cease to exist' in a nano-circuit. Researchers Pascu Moca and Gergely Zarand (group leader) collaborated with the experimental group of David Goldhaber-Gordon at Stanford to realize and investigate in detail a so-called quantum critical state by using nano-electronic circuits.

The Stanford group built an artificial atom, attached to external electrodes. With the help of the computations of the Momentum group, they managed to tune the circuit to a state, where the artificial atom destroys every electron that passes through it. They observed in detail how – in agreement with the theoretical computations – this new quantum state forms where electrons in the electrodes loose their usual properties and cease to exist in some sense [Keller et al, Nature 526, 237 (2015)].

A. J. Keller, L. Peeters, C. P. Moca, I. Weymann, D. Mahalu, V. Umansky, G. Zaránd & D. Goldhaber-Gordon: Universal Fermi liquid crossover and quantum criticality in a mesoscopic system, Nature 526, 237 (2015).

Publication in Nature Materials

The international research team lead by Sándor Bordács and István Kézsmárki discovered a new class of magnetic skyrmions, the so-called Néel-type skyrmions. This novel topological spin texture has a ferroelectric dressing, hence, besides a magnetic manipulation it can also be controlled via electric fields. These results have been recently published in Nature Materials.

Homepage of the Lendület group:

The article:

2nd Grandmaster PhD Workshop in Physics

The Institute of Physics at BUTE organizes the international students' conference "2nd Grandmaster PhD Workshop in Physics'' between September 6th and 11th, 2015. The conference is an opportunity for master's students, PhD students and junior postdocs to presents their scienctific achievements for a scientific audience in a relaxed atmosphere.

You can find the detialed programme at

Students who are interested are required to register for an oral talk or a poster presentation by September 18th. The presentations will be organized in sections subsequently. There are no topical restrictions. As the conference will be during the first week of classes. There will be participants also from German, Czech and Austrian universities. There is no registration fee.

There will be a plenary tutorial session by internationally renowned researchers on the physics of skyrmions on September 8th. The programme is available at

Simon Ferenc leads a "Lendület" research group at BUTE

Ferenc Simon starts a new research project at the Department of Physics at the BUTE in 2015.
In the project "Spin and charge dynamics in strongly correlated systems" Ferenc Simon
and his co-workers will build a time-resolved optically detected magnetic resonance
spectrometer, which will be unique in Hungary. They will use this equipment in the study
of carbon nanotubes, graphene, and spintronic devices. The project continues the
work that started under an ERC starting grant in 2011.


Snake states in graphene

Snake states observed in a graphene pn junction. In collaboration with the University of Basel, published in Nature Communications, 6, 6470 (2015). More information at the BME site.
