Bolyai Scholarship
2020. September 10.
From our Institute, Sándor Bordács, Gergő Fülöp and Endre Tóvári won the János Bolyai Research Scholarship of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. Congratulations!
(via MTA)
2020. September 10.
From our Institute, Sándor Bordács, Gergő Fülöp and Endre Tóvári won the János Bolyai Research Scholarship of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. Congratulations!
(via MTA)
2020. September 01.
Hungarian NSF just awarded early-stage and postdoctoral research grants for our colleauges Sándor Bordács, András Deák, and Endre Tóvári from BME Institute of Physics. Congratulations!
(via NKFIH)
2020. August 29.
Quantum bits (qubits) emitting and absorbing photons in the telecom wavelength window (1300-1600 nm) are a key requirement for quantum communication based on fibre optics. However, the best-known, most popular solid-state qubits, such as the nitrogen-vacancy center in diamond, are active in the optical wavelength window (380-740 nm). Therefore, the recent experimental results of the BME Spin Spectroscopy research group, characterising the interaction of electrons in carbon nanotubes and telecom-wavelength photons, might be of high importance to establish novel telecom-compatible qubits. The authors believe that their findings may foster the application of carbon nanotubes in quantum technology.
2020. August 19.
News portal of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences covers research results of our colleague Péter Makk, as one of the most successful recent recipients of the Bolyai Scholarship.
Article (in Hungarian):
Home page of Péter Makk:
2020. July 27.
2020. July 23.
New paper from the BME Nanoelectronics research group, published recently in Nature Communications, was covered in the news at, and the Hungarian news site Origo. Műegyetemi szakemberek újabb nemzetközi sikere a kvantumtudományban Lendületes kutatók mesterséges atomokra építenék a jövő kvantumszámítógépét
Origo: Magyar kutatók mesterséges atomokra építenék a jövő kvantumszámítógépét
Website of the Nanoelectronics group:
2020. July 19.
In their new paper, János Török and his colleagues provide support for the ancient idea of Plato that on Earth, "everything is built up from cubes". Also covered by
Gábor Domokos, Douglas J. Jerolmack, Ferenc Kun, and János Török
Plato’s cube and the natural geometry of fragmentation
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (PNAS)
published on July 17, 2020
Report at (in Hungarian):
2020. July 19.
Researchers of our Institute have created electrically controlled spin currents in a graphene-based nanostructure. Published in Nano Letters, in collaboration with Chalmers.
2020. June 20.
2020. June 18.
Our colleague wins the Momentum grant of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, with his proposal on interacting quantum systems. Balázs establishes his new group at ELTE.
(Via MTA)