Course title: 
Introduction to Quantum Computing and Communications
Primary programme: 
Fizikus mérnök BSc
ECTS credits: 
Course type: 
elective (delete the one that does not apply)
Number of lectures per week: 
Number of practices per week: 
Number of laboratory exercises per week: 
Further knowledge transfer methods: 
Coursework grade
Special grading methods: 
Vector and Matrix Algebra, Modern Physics
Responsible lecturer: 
Dr. Sándor Imre, university professor, corresponding member of HAS
Lecturers and instructors: 
Course description: 
Introductory course to the application of quantum mechanics in computing and communications Hilbert space and quantum mechanics. Notation. Complex probability amplitudes. Postulates of quantum mechanics. Quantum bit and quantum register. Superposition. Representation with the Bloch sphere. Elementary quantum gates and their descriptions. Entanglement and its effects. Entanglement with the environment. Measurement: connection between quantum and classical world. Measurement techniques. Projective measurement. POVM. Connection between the measurements. General description of quantum interferometer. No Cloning Theorem. Creating unitary quantum bit using elementary quantum gates Superdense coding. Quantum teleportation Basics of quantum parallelism. Deutsch-Jozsa algorithm. Application of quantum parallelism Quantum cryptography and quantum key distribution. BB84 protocol. B92 protocol. Overview of fiber based quantum key distribution systems. Application of quantum communications in space communication. Efficient searching in an unsorted database. Grover’s algorithm State of art of quantum computers: photons, electron spins, atoms. Existing architecture and current research directions.
Reading materials: 
S. Imre, F. Balázs: Quantum Computing and Communications – An Engineering Approach, Published by John Wiley and Sons Ltd, The Atrium, Southern Gate, Chichester, West Sussex PO19 8SQ, England, 2005, ISBN 0-470-86902-X, 283 pages
List of competences: 
Please find the detailed list, as quoted from the Hungarian training and outcome requirements of the Physicist Engineer program, in the Hungarian version of the course description.