Course title: 
Programming 1
Primary programme: 
Fizikus mérnök BSc
ECTS credits: 
Course type: 
Number of lectures per week: 
Number of practices per week: 
Number of laboratory exercises per week: 
Further knowledge transfer methods: 
Computer based laboratory
Coursework grade
Special grading methods: 
continuous tests on laboratory and 5 midterm exams.
Responsible lecturer: 
Dr. Márton Németh, research fellow, PhD
Lecturers and instructors: 
Course description: 
The main objective of this course is to provide students with appropriate skills in computer-based problem solving and basic use of its tools. This skills are to be effectively applied during further studies. Learning a high-level programming language the C language allows students to reach these goals in practice. The classroom practice follows the syllabus of lectures; helps better understand the topics of the lecture through detailed examination of the algorithms. The classes are completed with a long-term individual homework assignment to help improve the students' skills.
Reading materials: 
B.W. Kernighan - D.M. Ritchie: The C Programming Language. Prentice Hall, 1988. 2nd edition. Stephen G. Kochan: Programming in C (3rd Edition). Sams Publishing, 2004. N.Wirth: Algorithms + Data Structures = Programs. Prentice Hall, 1976. 1st edition.
List of competences: 
Please find the detailed list, as quoted from the Hungarian training and outcome requirements of the Physicist Engineer program, in the Hungarian version of the course description.