Course data
Course name: Results and applications of modern physics
Neptun ID: BMETE15MX28
Responsible teacher: Zsolt Papp
Programme: Physics courses for engineering students
Course data sheet: BMETE15MX28
Requirements, Information


After discussing electromagnetic waves and the theory of special relativity, some chapters of modern physics are presented. From informatics to materials testing methods and medical diagnostics, there are many applications of technical devices based on cutting-edge physics research, many of which have won Nobel prizes. The course will cover a wide range of these applications, with an illustrative description of the experimental and theoretical foundations of the physics background. Main topics: applications of older Nobel Prize-winning results (wireless data transmission, radio, X-rays, radioactivity, etc.); everyday optics (lasers, CCD, optical fibre, LCD, holography); quantum physics from atomic models to quantum communications; high precision measurements (relativity in GPS, atomic clocks, interferometry); nuclear technology from nuclear power to archaeological dating; modern physics in medicine (MRI, CT, PET); semiconductors from the first transistor to the mobile phone; nanotechnology tools (scanning microscopes, electron microscopy, electron beam lithography, etc.).
Taking the results of the two exams together, you must achieve 40%, i.e. min. 80 points.
Marks: 1: 0 - 39%, 2: 40 - 54%, 3: 55 - 69%, 4: 70 - 84%, 5: 85 - 100%
The student can be offered a mark based on the exam results if he/she achieves 40%, but of course it is still possible to improve the exam.