General information
Lecture: Márton Kormos
Tutorial: Bence Fitos
Location and time:
Lecture: Tuesday, 16:00 - 17:30, K375
Tutorial: Friday, 8:30 - 10:00, KF86
Teams and Moodle
The course has a Teams group, it will be mainly used for communication. Please join using the code sent in a Neptun message.
The course has a Moodle page, assignments, notes, additional material, etc. will be provided through this channel.
Location and time
Detailed provisional schedule: schedule. This schedule may change according to the progress of lectures, but we will always try to give notice before an irregular event.
Participation at the tutorial classes is compulsory.
The course is composed of a theoretical part and a practical part. You will get a grade both for theory and for practicals. You need to pass both, and your final grade will be the average of the two (rounded up).
You will write 4 theory tests and 3 practical tests in course of the semester (technically, you will write these on 4 occasions, see schedule).
In addition, you will have an individual project work, replacing the 4th test of the practical course. (Completing this project is compulsory to get a grade.)
By completing the tests well, you can get exemptions:
You can receive exemption from the theoretical and/or practical part of the exam, if you pass all theory and/or practical tests (reach >50% on each, and complete your project successfully).
Important: you can receive exemption INDEPENDENTLY for the theory part and for the practical part. (It is not easy to get exemption for both, so you may want to concentrate on theory OR practicals.)
Grading will be 2:>50%; 3: > 60%; 4: > 70%; 5 > 85%.
At the end of the semester, you are allowed to repeat 2 out of the 7 tests.
Individual project:
Each of you will receive a more difficult, individual task, too. This may consist of producing a numerical simulation, understanding a book chapter and writing a summary, or understanding some recent publications and producing notes on them, to be handed in.
The written exam (date specified later) will consist of two parts: (1) exercises based on the tutorials; (2) material discussed at lectures. In case you have an exemption, you may have to pass only the missing part of the exam.
Those who fail the written exam will have to take an oral exam.
Uploaded to the Moodle platform.
Lecture notes
Uploaded regularly to Moodle. (For private use only!)
Subjects for the oral exam:
List of subjects for oral exam (2019) (in English)
Last updated: 02.09.2024.