Course data
Course name: Advanced Quantum Field Theory
Neptun ID: BMETE15MF71
Responsible teacher: Gábor Takács Prof.
Programme: Courses for Physicist MSc students
Course data sheet: BMETE15MF71
Requirements, Information

Informations (semester 2021/22/1)

Lectures: every Tuesday 10:15-12:00, in room F3M01.


Lecturer: Gábor Takács


Exercise class: all students get some calculation / literature to read and report in a seminar fashion. There will be 2 reports on each occasions.

Times: 7 occasions, starting in the fourth week, as follows: 


25th Sep (Monday) 16:15-18:00 (F3M01)

  9th Oct (Monday) 16:15-18:00 (F3M01)

  6th Nov (Monday) 16:15-18:00 (F3M01)

14th Nov (Tuesday) 14:15-16:00 (F3M01)

20th Nov (Monday) 16:15-18:00 (F3M01)

  5th Dec (Tuesday) 14:15-16:00 (F3M01)

12th Dec (Tuesday) 14:15-16:00 (F3M01)

Tutor: Botond Nagy 


The course has a team set up in MS Teams under the name Advanced Quantum Field Theory (2023/24/1), available only for registered students. The access code is sent via Neptun.



There are 2x45 minutes of lectures every week, supplemented by an exercise class in the form of student seminars. The language of the course is English.


Aim and scope

This course builds upon Quantum Field Theory (BMETE15MF65) and discusses advanced topics such as

(i) advanced renormalization; 
(ii) advanced functional techniques, non-perturbative methods and their applications;
(iii) quantisation of non-Abelian gauge theories;
(iv) symmetries and their breaking; 
(v) effective action, effective potential;
(vi) instantons and quantum tunneling.
Full outline of the lecture course with background literature, and the list of seminar projects:


Oral examination. During the exam, students can consult their lecture notes for the details of lengthy derivations, but are expected to be able to explain the underlying concepts and considerations in detail.