Course data
Course name: Theoretical Nanophysics
Neptun ID: BMETE15MF66
Responsible teacher: Gergely Zaránd
Programme: Courses for Physicist MSc students
Course data sheet: BMETE15MF66
Requirements, Information
Semester: 2020/21, SPRING SEMESTER
Time, location:  Tuesdays, 16:15-17:45, online course
to join the course via Teams, use the code: evqa8kx
Lecturers:  Gergely Zaránd and András Pályi
Language: English
Course Plan:

Principles of Random Matrix Theory

Disordered systems and random Hamiltonians, symmetries and invariant measures, metric tensor and distances, maximum entropy principle, and joint energy distributions, GOE, GUE and GSE

Transmission through mesoscopic conductors

Landauer-Büttiker formula, and circular ensembles, universal conductance fluctuations;weak localization correctiondistribution of transmissions.

Classical and quantum noise

Classical noise, Fano factors (determination of charge); Scattering states and current operator; rigorous derivation of Landauer-Büttiker;quantum noise through a scattering region

Coulomb blockade of grains

Hartree terms and classical Coulomb energy; Effective Hamiltonian for grains, energy of a grain embedded into a circuit; Quantum  fluctuatons and Coulomb blockade conditions;  Coulomb blockade of superconducting grains (Richardson model, even-odd effect etc.) 

Transport through grains and  QD's

Anderson model and sequential tunneling through grains and/or QDs; Quantum fluctuations and Kondo effect; Kondo resonance, Fermi liquid theory

Possible additional subjects:

Dynamical Coulomb blockade and P(E) theory;

DMPK theory of a 1D conductor

Properties of Carbon nanotubes

Phase description of superconducting grains 

Requirements and grading:
Oral exam: 
Structure of the oral exam depends on the actual COVID situation.  
Problem solving:
You can obtain a grade through problem solving, too. 
You will recieve 2 problem sets.
You can select problems from each set to collect 50 points at maximum (i.e. max. 100 points).
To pass (grade 2) you need to reach 50% (from each set), for grade 3 you need  60points, for grade 4 you need to reach  70points, and for grade 5, you must score above  80points.
You may discuss with the others (or with us), give hints to each-other, but we request independent work: you may help each-other but you are not allowed to copy 
Deadlines will be specified in the problem sets.  
Term paper: 
Instead of problem solving, you can pass by handing in a 15 page long term paper, too. To do that you must paricipate in / watch each lecture. The term paper is supposed to start with a 8-10 pages introduction, putting your subject into context and revising the relevant material of the course, and the last 8-10  pages are supposed to discuss a hand-out (publication or book chapter). You do not need to understand all details of the handout, but the text must be clear and logical, reflecting your clear understanding. 
Handouts:  to be posted via Teams
Problem sets: TheoreticalNanophysics_problemset2019.pdf  will be revised and posted via Teams
Handouts for term paper:  to be posted via Teams 
Lecture notes (for personal use, only, no responsibility for mistakes, typos etc.):  
 to be posted via Teams 
Additional material:
List of subjects for oral exam: