Course data
Course name: Physics Problem Solving Tutorial
Neptun ID: BMETE15AP58
Responsible teacher: János Asbóth
Programme: Physicist-Engineer BSC
Course data sheet: BMETE15AP58
Requirements, Informations


An introductory course in experimental physics, with a special emphasis on the foundations of physical and mathematical methods and concepts. The course aims to prepare students for the advanced level of physics final examination in secondary school. We also aim to prepare students to use python simple numerical examples, using python.
The topics covered: units of measurement, key concepts and quantities of physics, kinematics, dynamics, work and energy, description of motion in various coordinate systems, motion of rigid bodies, elastic deformations, vibrations and waves, description of fluids.
The course will be in-person, but please join the Microsoft Teams team for the 2023/24 course to submit homework and to have access to class notes. 


Each week we will assign a couple of homework problems. We suggest you work each of these out. Please submit 1 solution for 1 homework assignment each week, using the Microsoft Teams interface. Deadline: Monday midnight of the next week. This homework will be corrected and graded (10 points max per homework). We also accept late submissions, but not more than by 1 week: for late submissions, the maximum is 5 points.  



You need to attend at least 70% of all classes. This will be checked by running a participation form. 

You need to obtain at least 50% of the max. points for your homework.
You need to obtain at least 40% on each of the two tests. 


Your end-of-semester score is obtained based on the two tests and the homework. 

Both tests give 50-50 points towards your end-of-semester score. 
If you obtain at least 80% of the max. points for your homework, you will get 1 extra point for every % above 80. 
Your grade depends on your total score as: 
2:  40-54
3:  55-69
4:  70-84
5:  85-




Each week we will assign a couple of homework problems. We suggest you work each of these out. Please submit 1 solution for 1 homework assignment each week, using the Microsoft Teams interface. Deadline: Monday midnight of the next week. This homework will be corrected and graded (10 points max per homework). We also accept late submissions, but not more than by 1 week: for late submissions, the maximum is 5 points.