Course data
Course name: Theory of Magnetism
Neptun ID: BMETE11MF57
Responsible teacher: Attila Virosztek
Programme: Courses for Physicist MSc students
Course data sheet: BMETE11MF57
Requirements, Information


  • Title: Theory of magnetism
  • Major: Physics MSc of FNS BME
  • Neptun code: BMETE11MF57
  • Requirement: 2/1/0/V/5
  • Prerequisite: prior completion of the course BMETE11MF55 (Modern solid state physics)
  • Language: english
  • Lecturer: Dr. Attila Virosztek (course T0, T1)
  • Attendance: Presence on at least 50% of the lectures is required for signature. Absence is recorded on each occasion.
  • Tests during the semester: ----
  • Requirements for signature: proper attendance.
  • Grades: based on oral exam.
  • Consultations: thursday 14:15-15:00; educator: Dr. Attila Virosztek.

Topics (pdf)