
Quantum thermalisation on the information lattice

2024. 04. 16. 14:30
BME building F, lecture hall 13, second floor
Jens Bardarson (KTH)

I will discuss the problem of quantum thermalisation in a closed quantum system from the point of view of entanglement dynamics. To this end, I will introduce a tool—the information lattice —to divide quantum information into scales and using that visualise the time evolution of quantum information. With the insights gained from this I will explain in some detail how closed quantum system thermalise. This will be consistent with the Eigenstate thermalisation hypothesis that I will explain. In an attempt to make this talk relatively self-contained, I will start with a longer introduction to entanglement in quantum matter.

The dissipation-assisted approach to quantum transport: extensions and new results

2024. 04. 19. 10:15
BME building F, seminar room of the Dept. of Theoretical Physics
Tibor Rakovszky (Stanford)

Predicting dynamical properties of interacting quantum many-body systems from first principles is a notoriously difficult task. In my talk, I will describe a numerical method named "dissipation-assisted operator evolution" (DAOE) which we proposed to tackle this problem. DAOE builds on recent insights about the spreading of information in closed quantum systems to motivate an approximation scheme, which can be carried out efficiently using tensor networks. I will argue that DAOE can yield quantitatively accurate estimates of transport coefficients at a numerical cost that is essentially exponentially smaller than more brute-force approaches. Then I will go on to discuss various extensions of DAOE, including a formulation tailored to fermionic systems and another aimed at capturing the effect of varying charge density on transport coefficients. 

Emergent spacetime and segmented strings. Entanglement is not enough?

2024. 04. 26. 10:15
BME building F, seminar room of the Dept. of Theoretical Physics
Péter Lévay (BME)
Thanks to the classical work of Bekenstein and Hawking we have learnt that gravity is holographic. This means that the quantum degrees of freedom of gravity are connected to surfaces, and not to volumes enclosed by such surfaces. Based on this idea the term Holographic Principle has been coined. The first mathematically precise implementation of this principle was inside string theory. This is the famous AdS/CFT correspondence. Later the idea of holography separated from string theory. This was due to the striking results of quantum information theory which is  is based on the phenomenon of entanglement regarded as a new resource. Soon entanglement based articulation of  ideas provided new insight on considerations of the nature of gravity. The first step was the combination of the idea of holography with the idea of entanglement. In this context it was realized that even classical spacetime geometry is an emergent concept, inherently of quantum origin.
In this talk in the simplest holographic scenario we put strings back into the mix [1]. We show that the world sheets of classical strings regarded as objects testing classical spacetime geometry encode quantum information geometric data. Data which is not necessarily directly related to entanglement.
[1]: Bercel Boldis and Péter Lévay: "Segmented strings and holography", Phys. Rev. D 109, 046002 – Published 5 February 2024

The first 70 years of spintronics

2024. 04. 30. 14:30
BME building F, lecture hall 13, second floor
Ferenc Simon (BME)

Spintronics is a branch of physics and electronics that explores the intrinsic angular momentum of electrons (also known as spin) and its application in electronic devices. The lecture covers key milestones, breakthroughs, notable researchers, and the evolution of spintronics technology since its inception. Current challenges and our contribution to the field is also covered.

The geometry of the hermitian matrix space and the Schrieffer-Wolff transformation

2024. 05. 03. 10:15
BME building F, seminar room of the Dept. of Theoretical Physics
Gergő Pintér (BME)
In quantum mechanics, the Schrieffer-Wolff transformation (SW, also called quasi-degenerate perturbation theory) is known as an approximative method to reduce the dimension of the Hamiltonian. In the talk a geometric interpretation of the SW is presented [1] as a local coordinate chart in the space of hermitian matrices near the degeneracy stratum. Inspired by this approach, the splitting of the eigenvalues of a perturbation is interpreted in terms of the distancing from the degeneracy stratum. The physical examples range widely, including problems from condensed matter physics and quantum error correction.
[1] Joint work with György Frank, Dániel Varjas, András Pályi

Quantum sensing and imaging of magnetism on the nanoscale

2024. 05. 07. 14:30
BME building F, lecture hall 13, second floor
Patrick Maletinsky (Basel)
Quantum two-level systems offer attractive opportunities for sensing and imaging – especially at the nanoscale. In the almost twenty years since its inception, this idea has advanced from proof of concept to a mature quantum technology with a broad field of applications in physics, materials engineering, life sciences, and beyond. 
In this colloquium, I will present the founding principles and key engineering challenges in the field and highlight particularly rewarding applications of single quantum sensors. A special focus will lie on new insights these sensors bring to mesoscopic condensed-matter physics. Specifically, I will discuss the use of single-spin quantum sensors to study atomically thin “van der Waals” magnets  – an emerging class of magnetically ordered systems that combine fundamental and practical interests and that so far were notoriously hard to address due to their weak magnetization and nanoscale spin-textures.
I will conclude with an outlook on future developments of quantum sensors, including quantum sensors operating under extreme conditions, such as high magnetic fields or millikelvin temperatures, where new exciting applications wait to be explored.

Moiré plane wave expansion model for simulating STM images of incommensurate 2D materials

2024. 05. 10. 10:15
BME building F, seminar room of the Dept. of Theoretical Physics
Maxime Le Ster (Lodz)
Moiré systems have recently attracted a lot of attention in condensed-matter physics following the experimental discovery of superconductivity in twisted bilayer graphene [1]. A whole plethora of other unique quantum phases of matter have been since explored, with most theoretical investigations focusing on the emergence of flat bands and correlated electronics [2]. Scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) simulations of moiré systems have however been overlooked, despite moiré patterns almost always arising from the pairing of two-dimensional (2D) materials and the potential assistance that simulations could provide for scientists investigating van der Waals heterostructures. Indeed, moiré patterns can sometimes lead to complex STM images, especially true in the case of mixed symmetry coupling, i.e., hexagonal-rectangular symmetry pairing [3, 4]. In these systems, the moiré unit cell can be very large and even infinite for the incommensurate case, excluding the application of methods based on periodic cells, e.g., density functional theory. Other approaches are thus required; in this talk, I will introduce a new method, the moiré plane wave expansion model (MPWEM), to simulate STM images, which simply requires a priori knowledge of the non-interacting STM images and a small set of intuitive parameters [5].
[1] Y. Cao et al., Nature 556, 43-50 (2018)
[2] D. M. Kennes et al., Nat. Phys. 17, 155-163 (2021)
[3] M. Le Ster et al., Phys. Rev. B 99, 075422 (2019)
[4] M. Le Ster et al., 2D Mater. 7, 011005 (2019)
[5] M. Le Ster et al., submitted.

Isotropic 3D topological phases with broken time reversal symmetry

2024. 05. 24. 10:15
BME building F, seminar room of the Dept. of Theoretical Physics
Dániel Varjas (BME)
Axial vectors, such as current or magnetization, are commonly used order parameters in time-reversal symmetry breaking systems. These vectors also break isotropy in three dimensional systems, lowering the spatial symmetry. We demonstrate [1] that it is possible to construct a fully isotropic and inversion-symmetric three-dimensional medium where time-reversal symmetry is systematically broken. We devise a cubic crystal with scalar time-reversal symmetry breaking, implemented by hopping through chiral magnetic clusters along the crystal bonds. The presence of only the spatial symmetries of the crystal -- finite rotation and inversion symmetry -- is sufficient to protect a topological phase. The realization of this phase in amorphous systems with average continuous rotation symmetry yields a statistical topological insulator phase. We demonstrate the topological nature of our model by constructing a bulk integer topological invariant, which guarantees gapless surface spectrum on any surface with several overlapping Dirac nodes, analogous to crystalline mirror Chern insulators. We also show the expected transport properties of a three-dimensional statistical topological insulator, which remains critical on the surface for odd values of the invariant.
[1]: H Spring, AR Akhmerov, D Varjas, arXiv:2310.18400

Free fermions beyond Jordan and Wigner

2024. 05. 31. 10:15
BME building F, seminar room of the Dept. of Theoretical Physics
Balázs Pozsgay (ELTE)
One dimensional chains of free fermions belong to the simplest many body systems, where many physical quantities can be computed with ease. In quantum information theory free fermionic circuits are also distinguished: they lead to classical simulability of quantum states. Recently a new class of models was discovered[1,2], which have a hidden free fermionic structure, despite being apparently interacting. The hidden free fermions are obtained with a construction that is distinct from the well known Jordan-Wigner transformation. We review the progress in this topic, focusing on selected models and their properties.
[1]: B Pozsgay, arXiv:2402.02984
[2]: P Fendley, B Pozsgay, SciPost Phys. 16, 102 (2024)

Fast control of many-body quantum systems

2024. 06. 12. 10:15
BME building F, seminar room of the Dept. of Theoretical Physics
Leonce Dupays (Luxemburg)
Controlling many-body quantum systems is at the forefront of the development of quantum technologies. To bypass the adiabatic preparation of quantum states, techniques known as shortcuts to adiabaticity (STA) have been developed [1]. In this talk, we will first discuss the extension of the technique of delta-kick cooling to many-body systems verifying scale-invariant dynamics [2]. Delta-kick cooling is commonly used in ultracold atoms to narrow the momentum distribution of atomic clouds. We will demonstrate the link between delta-kick cooling and time-optimal control and present a new type of STA that combines shortcuts and a delta-kick. Afterwards, we will present some progress in the control of gapless many-body quantum systems described by the Tomonaga-Luttinger liquid (TLL). We will provide exact dynamics in the quenched TLL where the interactions are varied in time. Furthermore, we will characterize the residual energy after a finite time quench. To cancel the residual energy, we will propose a STA protocol using counterdiabatic driving [3,4].
[1] D Guéry-Odelin, A Ruschhaupt, A Kiely, E Torrontegui, S Martínez-Garaot, JG Muga, Rev. Mod. Phys. 91, 045001 –2019
[2] L. Dupays, D. C. Spierings, A. M. Steinberg, A. del Campo, Phys Rev Research, 2021
[3] L. Dupays, B. Dóra, A. del Campo, arXiv preprint, arXiv:2401.17884, 2024
[4] L. Dupays, A. del Campo, arXiv preprint, arXiv:2404.19013, 2024
