The book of Kugler Sándor has appeared
2015. February 20.
The book Amorphous semiconductors by Sándor Kugler appeared by the Cambridge University Press.
2015. February 20.
The book Amorphous semiconductors by Sándor Kugler appeared by the Cambridge University Press.
2015. February 20.
In a collaboration with Stanford (David Goldhaber-Gordon), the EQP group of Gergely Zaránd demonstrated an exotic SU(4) many-body state in electrostatically coupled artificaial atoms [Nature Physic
2015. February 20.
In a collaboration with Stanford (David Goldhaber-Gordon), the EQP group of Gergely Zaránd demonstrated an exotic SU(4) many-body state in electrostatically coupled artificaial atoms [Nature Physic
2015. February 03.
A 2014-es Junior Príma díjak közül kettőt is intézetünk fiatal kutatói kaptak: Bordács Sándor és Pozsgay Balázs.