Quantum interference effects in molecular nanoelectronics

2023. 11. 17. 10:15
BME building F, seminar room of the Dept. of Theoretical Physics
Angelo Valli (BME)
It is well established that quantum interference (QI) effects in molecular junctions can dramatically change electron transport by several orders of magnitude. As QI effects can be tailored by a variety of chemical and physical mechanisms and can survive even at room temperature, they hold great potential for nanoelectronics applications. I give an overview of experimental evidence of QI and characterize its distinctive features and origin from a theoretical perspective. As time allows, I will show how and why [1] QI can be exploited to enhance the performance of chemical sensors [2], thermoelectric, and spintronic [3] devices.
[1] A. Valli, T. Fabian, F. Libisch, and R. Stadler, Carbon 214, 118358 (2023)
[2] Ö. Şengül, J. Völkle, A. Valli, and R. Stadler, Phys. Rev. B  105, 165428 (2022)
[3] A. Valli, A. Amaricci, V. Brosco, and M. Capone, Nano Lett. 18, 2158 (2018)