Upcoming final examinations (Nanotechnology-materials science)

General information

The deadlines and students' tasks for final examinations and submitting theses are listed on the corresponding page of the faculty but please also consider the following additions.
The final exams of students on Nanotechnology and Materials Science specialization is organized by the Department of Physics ("home department"). Each student has to sign up for the final exam by sending an e-mail to the responsible of the home department  at the same time as signing up on Neptun. The responsibles of the home department is:
  • Department of Physics: Fehér Titusz
The  subject of the final exam and and its actual course depends on the MSc specialization.
The next final examinations will take place between 24th June and 4th July 2024.

Signing up for the final exam

You can sign up for the final exam under the menu Administration/Final exam AND sending an e-mail to the final-exam responsible of the home department with the same deadline. (In case there is no acknowledgement in two working days please repeat your e-mail.) The e-mail should include all of the following information:
  1. The name, e-mail address, Neptun-code, physics programme (BSc or MSc), and specialization.
  2. The name, e-mail address and institute (workplace) of your thesis advisor. If you also have a consultant, the same data for her/him as well.
  3. The title and ID of the thesis (in absence of the ID, please give the link of its description on the faculty home page).
  4. If there are optional sections in your final examination questions, please name the one(s) you choose.
  5. Optional: your preference whether you prefer to sit the exam at the beginning or end of the exam period. For the exams in June-July, you need to support such a request by a sound professional justification (e.g. delay with or repetition of other exams, etc. is not accepted), but we normally organize exams only for the last two weeks of the period. For the exams in January, we respect such requests without justification as well.
Please refer to the responsible of the home department if you have further questions regarding the rules of diploma theses and final exams.

Theses, their evaluations

As theses and their evaluations gather, we make them available at this page of the home department. (If you do not have the password to reach certain pages, please refer to the responsible.)

Guidelines for the thesis

Please include in the thesis a signed Declaration of Originality page right after the title page (refer to the responsible for its correct form). This declaration should include the statement that the electronic and printed versions of the thesis are identical. Please do not forget to attach the abstract of your thesis both when submitting the electronic and printed forms.

Exam questions

Please find the exam questions for your specialization here. Specifically, this is the PDF for the students of Nanotechnology and Materials Science specialization.

Schedule of the final exams

The schedule will be published on the corresponding pages of the home departments (for a password, please refer to the responsible of the department):

The typical course of the final exams


In 2022 (and from then on until further notice) we organize live at the campus.


The general course of live final exams

  1. The student presents the diploma work (15 mins). The typical form is a computer presentation (preferentially by your own computer, while the projector is provided by us).
  2. The exam committee asks questions regarding the diploma work and/or the presentation (approx. 10 mins) in order to assess the student's familiarity with both the literature and theoretical background of the presented research field. Both own questions of the committee members and previously given by opponents may be asked, and the quality of the answers have a significant weight in the mark you get for the defence (for the thesis).
  3. The student is given 1-1 item from the two question groups. Typically, the committee marks 70-80% of one item and 20-30% of the other item to be presented. At least 25 mins is provided for preparation.
  4. The student is examined based on the given items but the committee also asks questions that may be related to non-marked parts of the items or even other items (approx. 20 mins).

The general course of online/remote final exams


Please prepare some thick pens/pencils and several blank pages for the exam and check in advance that you can present simple sketches and formulae through your webcam to the examination committe. The exams will be conducted along to the following storyboard:

  1. The student presents the diploma work (15 mins). The typical form is a computer presentation via a shared screen with live voice and face, using the cursor as a pointer.
  2. The exam committee asks some questions regarding the diploma work and/or the presentation (approx. 15 mins) in order to assess the student's familiarity with both the literature and theoretical background of the presented research field. Both own questions of the committee members and previously given by opponents may be asked, and the quality of the answers have a significant weight in the mark you get for the defence (i.e. for the thesis).
  3. The student is given 1-1 item from the two question groups. Please note that we cannot give you time for preparation, we expect quasi prompt answers! For this reason, it is highly suggested that you prepare with 3-5 starting sentences for every (sub)question. Typically, the committee marks 70-80% of one item and 20-30% of the other item to be presented. (The depth of the preparation/presentation should be such that you can speak continuously about any of the 8 questions for 10-15 minutes in total.)
  4. The student is examined based on the given items but the committee also asks questions that may be related to non-marked parts of the items or even other items. This part would take approx. 20 mins if you talked continuously but this is not a requirement even for a mark '5': we will not deduce from your mark even if you can answer some questions only after some hints from the jury.

We can guarantee the publicity of the online final exam (by giving login information etc.) to those only who request this at least 24 hours before the exam in an email to the responsible!


Some parts of the exam may be held in English or Hungarian upon the student's request. However, if you intend to present a Hungarian thesis in English, please note both the responsible and the head of the exam committee at least two days in advance.